⑴ yamaguchi tadashi

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Requested by @Neko_Japan

Sorry it took so long! Here's some fluff for our precious freckle(≧∇≦)

Both of you are in your twenties.


You trudged along the sidewalk, trying to walk as fast as you can. You were going to be late for something today, so you had to hurry up.

When you arrived at the place, you were in a sea of people, obviously crowded on that day. You looked at your wristwatch, checking the time.

3 minutes passed.

Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, asking yourself where would he be by now. He was not the type of person to not show up. Your eyes searched for him, hoping that you'd see him somewhere in the crowd.

When you couldn't find any signs of him, you sighed. You squeezed through the crowd, trying to find a way out or some space.

When you had successfully passed the crowd, you saw the city's statue by the side. You went up to it and stood beside it. You grabbed your phone and dialed his number. It rang two times before he picked up.

"Moshi moshi?", he greeted.

"Hey, I just got here a few minutes ago. Where are you?", you asked in a hurry, worry hinting in your voice.

"Why do you ask?", he asked as he laughed on the phone.

You just grumbled and pouted at his reply. Feeling a bit irritated, you were about to hang up on him when he suddenly spoke.

"Why are you pouting, (Y/n)?", he suddenly asked.

Your eyes widened and your heart jumped a little. You then heard a chuckle on the phone and he said, "Look to your right, dummy."

You blinked your eyes a few times before turning your head to the right. You gave out a sigh of relief and a small smile. You walked towards him and immediately hugged him.

"I was worried that you ditched me." you said followed by a nervous laugh.

He hugged back and kissed your forehead. After moving away from the hug, he ruffled your hair and said, "You really think I'd do that to you?"

Heaving a sigh once again, you shook your head. He chuckled then intertwined his hand to yours. You blushed, feeling a bit embarrassed that you even thought of him like that.

Both of you started walking to your destination. It was a bit awkward for you since you were feeling a bit guilty. Gathering your courage, you decided to apologize.

"I'm sorry for a while ago, Tadashi." you said; bowing your head a little bit.

He glanced to your direction and smiled to himself. Wanting to assure that it was okay, he tightened his grip on your hand.

Feeling his grip tighten, you walked closer to him and tightened your grip too.

After a few more minutes, both of you arrived to your destination.

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