⑴ satori tendō

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Requested by @--Misantrophy--


Eyes bore onto your back as you walk down the hallway. Nevertheless, you didn't care about the attention that you were receiving; you're already used to it.

You looked around the place as your eyes shined in excitement. It was your first time to visit such a strange place.

People wearing the same clothes in the place you're in. But you were the only one standing out. You caught everyone's eye.

That is to be expected since your outfit was unique. Described as a living doll, just because you wore frilly and girly dresses; always matched with a frilly headress.

You heard murmurs from every direction but you still ignored them. You knew what they were whispering about. Still, you smiled as if everything's normal.

When you finished touring the main campus, you went to the other places you haven't visited.

With a butler following behind you, you headed towards the place where you could hear squeaks from shoes, yells, and words of encouragement.

You slightly opened the door; just enough to see your head by the people
inside. Your eyes glimmered as you saw people jumping and hitting a ball powerful enough to knock a person out.

You grinned and fully went inside the place. You quietly walked as possible; not wanting to ruin their concentration.

Fascinated enough, you didn't hesitate to sit down on the floor. Your butler tried to stop you but you slightly glared him, immediately stopping him.

With that, you turned your head back to continue watching them but was greeted by someone's face.

A bit surprised, you moved away from the man with a sleepy expression plastered on his face. You raised your eyebrow at him; questioning yourself as to why was he blocking your view.

"Who are you? You look..weird." the man asked in a suspicious tone.

You stood up and dusted your dress. You glanced at him sideways and rolled your eyes.

Who was he to deprive you of your entertainment? And who was he to judge you for what you wear?

"Who are you?" you gave his question back at him, a bit annoyed by his unnecessary comment.

Your demeanor changed from bubbly to sassy. Sure, you're innocent and all that but you wouldn't back down from somebody judging you for your looks.

He looked at you with a deadpanned expression and said, "Tendō Satori, you should know me cause I'm pretty famous."

You scoffed at him and crossed your arms. You looked at him from head to toe and smirked.

"If you're pretty famous then why don't I know you?" you said as you gave off a vibe that should annoy him.

You heard him click his tongue; clearly getting annoyed bit by bit. You smirked and said, "I'm (L/n) (Y/n), just a random person visiting this place."

This time, he was the one who raised his brow. He was confused as to why you were dressed like a doll.

"Well then (Y/n)-san, you can leave now cause random people aren't allowed in here." he said with a cocky tone.

He was trying to get you annoyed, and it was slowly working.

As the two of you teased each other, all the other people in the area had their attention focused on the two of you; clearly in your own world.

"Who's she?" one of them asked.

"She must be the special guest of the principal." one answered the other.

"Well, she's kinda pretty." one commented.

Tendō's ear irked at the comment, turned his head and said, "How can you say that she's pretty?!"

The other person widened their eyes, asking themselves on how did he hear them?

The team was shocked as to see their friend and teammate, Tendō, to get irritated by someone else. And he was the first one to get irritated between the two of you.

"Should we settle this on a date then?!" Tendō unexpectedly blurted out unexpected words that he wasn't expecting to say.

His eyes widened first, while you're in a state where you're trying to comprehend on what he said.

When you realized what he had said, you blushed in embarrassment and gritted your teeth.

Not wanting to back out from his "challenge" , you said, "Fine! We'll see who'll be the winner then!"

Meanwhile, the team was still shocked as to what was still happening and thought to themselves that this was escalating quickly.


"Was it a good thing that I wore frilly dresses back then?" you asked as you giggled at the thought.

Tendō smirked and said, "Well, if you didn't dress up weirdly back then, we wouldn't be here right now."

You laughed and silently aggreed to his statement. You were thankful for the way they brought you up before. And thankful for the scene you're looking at right now.

If it wasn't for that, little Tendō's and little (Y/n)'s wouldn't be running around the living room right now.



Sorry for the lack of updates. Had a lot of going on.

Hoped you all enjoyed this cause I tried my best with it.

Sorry if there were grammatical errors, missing letters, missing words, and misspelled words.


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