⑵ oikawa tooru

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You've been dating the famous setter and captain of Aoba Johsai, Oikawa Tooru, for almost 2 years. And those 2 years of dating him was a roller coaster ride of feelings with him.

You've had experiences with him that you have never experienced even once. Most of your first times were with him. But you didn't plan on giving your v-card anytime soon. You followed a rule by not giving your virginity unless you're sure and ready.

But recently, everything started to suddenly fall apart. You and Oikawa suddenly stopped talking to each other. Scratch that, he suddenly stopped talking to you. Even the text messages you received from him stopped. That made you think about a lot of things you'd done with him.

Is it something you did made him angry? Did you do something unpleasant? Was it the way you looked like ruin his pretty image?

A lot more questions came into your mind and your anxiety grew worse by the minute. You didn't bother asking Oikawa about what has happened to your relationship. It's not that you didn't want to. You were scared to ask him. Just thinking about the questions made your hands tremble in fear.

But you made up your mind to ask him what has happened between you and him. It was dismissal time and you were going to his classroom. You were about to open the door when somebody else opened it from the inside. You looked up to see Iwaizumi looking at you with a blank expression.

"Hello, Iwaizumi-kun. Have you seen Tooru?" you tried to maintain with a kind tone even though you were slowly getting scared. You fiddled with your thumbs unconsciously as you looked straight into his eyes.

"He said he was going to meet up with someone at class 2-3." (Just imagine that it's an empty classroom he went to.)

"Why would they meet there?" you muttered.

"He also said that you can leave first." he added. You gave him a confused and disappointed look. You sighed and looked away. You rubbed your temples with your index fingers, trying to ease the headache you were having. Iwaizumi started looked at you with worry in his eyes. As one of his best friends, he was concerned about you and that's why he decided to ask.

"What's wrong? Did you two have a fight or something?" he asked with his voice filled with worry. You stopped rubbing your temples and looked straight into his eyes but you shook your head as a no. You didn't want Iwaizumi to worry about the two of you, thinking that he's got enough problems of his own.

"It's fine, Iwaizumi-kun. I don't want to cause you anymore problems than you already have." you exclaimed. Iwaizumi's lips pressed into a thin line but he didn't want to force you to saying anything. Instead, he sighed and rubbed the nape of his neck.

"Well, I don't want to force you on saying it but tell me if you can't handle it anymore. Okay?" he said and you nodded as an answer.

"You know Iwaizumi-kun, I'm lucky to have someone like you." you said as you smiled at him. He gave you a small smile and patted your head. With that, you said goodbye and went off.

As you were walking towards the classroom where Oikawa was going to meet up with this "person", you grabbed something from your pocket. It was a homemade (favorite thing) and you were planning on giving it to Oikawa as a sorry gift. You didn't know what you did wrong but you were going to say sorry anyways.

You reached the classroom and was about to open the door, when you heard some mumbles from the inside. You decided to listen to the conversation even though it made you terrified from what you're about to hear.

You carefully leaned your ear against the door and gulped, trying to be optimistic and not think of unpleasant thoughts.

"What if she finds about our relationship?" a female voice said. It was followed by a chuckle then a familiar voice.

"Don't worry. She's not nosy and she's too naive." the familiar voice said and it made your knees weak. Your gift for him fell to the ground and you jumped back; tears slowly filling in your eyes.

"What was that?" the voice said from inside. You heard footsteps coming closer and you wanted to run away but your legs refused to move from its place.

Then the door opened, and you saw Oikawa widen his eyes. He didn't expect you to know where he was. When you saw his face, tears started to uncontrollably roll down your cheeks.

"(Y-Y/n)-san, I-I can explain." Oikawa was about to reach out his hand to you when you jolted back and he wasn't expecting you to not let him touch you. You looked straight into his eyes. Fear, hurt, and sadness was all he can see in your eyes. The thought of you getting hurt because of him made his chest tighten. He was about to reach out again but you ran away.

He wanted to run after you, but this time, his legs didn't want to move. "Who was that?", asked by the girl he was with. He didn't answer but he just looked down and clenched his fists when he saw a small gift wrapped in a neat ribbon.

As for you, you ran and ran not knowing where you were about to go when you bumped into someone. You didn't bother looking up and just said a small sorry. You were about to run away when a hand held your wrist. You looked back and saw Iwaizumi.

"(Y/n)-san?" he asked but you pulled your wrist back and ran away again.

Iwaizumi didn't know the reason why you were crying but he was sure that Oikawa was the cause of it. He glared at the ground and went to where Oikawa was supposed to be. When he saw Oikawa in a distance, he stomped his way towards him. Oikawa turned his head to see Iwaizumi looking at him menacingly.

"Iwa-chan, why are you--" Oikawa was interrupted when he suddenly received a hard punch to the face. He fell to the ground and touched the part where he received the punch.

"What the hell did you do?! You know what, I don't care! Just run after her!" Iwaizumi exclaimed fast and Oikawa was suddenly up on his feet because he had never seen Iwaizumi so angry before. He ran away, holding your gift that had his named on it.

When he went of the school, he suddenly saw ambulances drive past him. He had a sudden thought and it made his heart race, and not in the good way. He ran towards the direction where the ambulance went.

After 3 minutes, he reached the place where the ambulance went. There was a small crowd and his heart beat was going faster by each step he took.

"Poor girl, she looks so young too." one of the people from the crowd murmured as she walked away.

"I know right? A speeding car suddenly came out of nowhere." another one said. His blood ran cold. He squeezed through the crowd and his heart felt as if it dropped to the ground.

There you were, laying on the ground, swimming in your own pool of blood. He ran to where your lifeless body was. He dropped your gift in a hurry and he hugged your body tightly. He didn't want to let go, he silently wished that you were just unconscious.

Just then, it started to rain slowly and the crowd slowly dispersed. Oikawa felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Sir, do you know her?" one of the paramedics asked but Oikawa didn't answer.

He sat there, holding your lifeless body onto his arms, not caring if your blood stained his clothes. The clothes could be replaced. Sadly, you weren't and he knew for the fact that it was his fault that you were caught up in an accident.

He just stayed still while holding your body. Tears streamed down his face, knowing that you weren't going to come back to life.


Hello everybody! Hoped you enjoyed the story! Sorry if it felt unfinished because I didn't know how to end it.

Anyways, I enjoyed tormenting Oikawa and hurting my feelings too. (-; )

Sorry if there were grammatical errors, missing letters, missing words, and misspelled words.


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