⑶ oikawa tooru

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Oikawa woke up feeling a bit strange, that something was different. He rubbed his eyes while thinking of what could be the thing that's different. A bit frustrated when nothing came to his mind, he shook his head and was about to stand up when he felt something shift on the other side of the bed.

He turned his head and saw your back facing him, defenseless and tempting; but nothing.

What happened?

After years of being married to you, how come he doesn't feel anything at all? Before, everything you did with him was full of love and excitement; but now, everything suddenly just lost its spark.

And just the other day, he was showering you with kisses and hugs but the feeling of doing that suddenly disappeared.

What just happened to him? Is his amount of love just that? Did he just finally realized that he just fell out of love after all these years?

Sighing, he stood up from the bed and went to the bathroom.


You weren't stupid to not notice Oikawa's sudden change in his behavior.

He became distant and cold, whenever the two of you talked, he replies shortly and doesn't ramble on and on anymore. He started ignoring you constantly, leaving you alone in your house for a whole day, and he wasn't even mentioning where he was going.

With the recent events that has been happening between the two of you, your heart wavered from the pain the he was giving. Negative thoughts popped inside your head as you felt yourself drown in your own insecurities, with your mind wandering to Oikawa; thinking of what did you do wrong.


"Tooru.." You meekly said, sounding like a small whimper.

You were trying to hold back your tears, trying to be strong in front of him even though it shatters your heart trying to talk to him.

He turned to you, looking straight into your eyes, and you stared back; searching for that love that was once there– but nothing.

"(Y/n)? What's wrong?" He asked as he faked a smile.

'A perfect fake smile to hide secrets,' you thought but kind enough to smile back, but it wasn't reaching your eyes anymore.

"Tooru– uh, I mean, Oikawa-san." you stumbled on your words as you gathered your thoughts, trying to find what you're going to say. Even the way you reverted to calling him by his last name pained you, even though you're also an Oikawa.

The evident confusion on his face was obvious, surprised that you even corrected yourself to call him by his surname.

"Let's file for a divorce." You said while trying to look as strong as possible, even though you're soon to breakdown at any moment.

Oikawa was dumbfounded, his heart thumped nervously. His eyes now hinting with a bit of desperation, trying to look at you and hoping that you were just joking. He gulped the lump in his throat, you seemingly caught him breathless; not in a good way.

"I'm not dumb to not notice that you..do not love me anymore." You said, stopping in the middle of your sentence because there was an evident crack in your voice, which Oikawa had noticed and broke his heart slightly.

It came back.

Oikawa wanted to speak up again, wanted to tell you that it came back; but no words left his mouth.

"And so, I think it's best for us to just..separate. Being together like this doesn't help the two of us in any way, that's why we should just..I– I mean, your old habits came back again right? You're flirting with others again and I don't want to see that personally, but I do know because you always come home with different perfumes sticking onto your clothes. Every time you come home, it's always a different one, and I don't want anymore of that. That's why..please..just.." You rambled on and on until the lump in your throat forced you to stop from speaking.

Tears were threatening to fall at any moment. You blinked your eyes, trying to stop it but it failed. You furiously rubbed your eyes and tried to not make it obvious that you were crying so much, but it's also obvious that you failed to keep it a secret.

Oikawa stared at you, seemingly at loss from your words.

Was it that obvious?

He gritted his teeth, wanting to say something but he can't — too scared of his own. He clenched his fist, also holding back the urge to cry and plead to you. He turned his head away, scared to look at you.


"I guess you're agreeing with my decision. With that, this is goodbye Oikawa-san." You turned your heels while blinking away the tears the escaped your eyes.

Before walking away you mumbled something under your breath, making him look at your direction quickly. He wanted to run after you but his legs didn't move an inch, appearing to be glued to the ground.

"I love you, Tooru."

His hand clutched his chest, tears escaped his eyes, gritting his teeth as you walked away — with you secretly hoping that he'd stop you from leaving; but he didn't. He mumbled something under his breath, unconsciously reaching out his arm to your disappearing figure and soon falling back to his side.

"Please don't leave me, (Y/n).."


I love angst?

Sorry if there were grammatical errors, missing letters, missing words, and misspelled words.


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