*Chapter 3*

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      I opened my eyes and looked at Vladimir. He was still asleep. He still had his arms wrapped around my waist. I pulled away from him slowly and went into my bathroom. I took a quick shower and changed into a pair of black skinny jeans, a green long sleeved v-neck shirt and my black ballet flats. I brushed my hair and put a green bow on the side.
      I grabbed two Advil and went back into my room. I grabbed a bottle water from my mini fridge and walked up to my bed. "Vladimir wake up," I said as I shook him. "What do you want?" he said and opened his eyes. "I want you to wake up." "I don't want to. My head hurts," he said. I handed him the two Advil and the bottled water. He took both from my hands and smiled. "Thanks," he said and swallowed the Advil. "You're welcome," I said and sat down on my bed.
      I checked his cuts and made sure they were ok. He still had a bruise on his cheek though. But, no swelling. "What happened last night?" he asked as he put the bottle on the bedside table and laid down again. "You got in a fight with Josh because he said some stuff to me." "Oh now I remember. I'm really sorry about last night. Did I say or do anything you didn't like?" he asked. "The usual. That you were going to buy me the world and that I was really your best friend. And there was one more thing," I said. "What is it?" "When I laid down you wrapped your arms around my waist and pulled me close to you. Then, you said you loved me," I said and looked down at my hands. "Oh, um what time is it?" I looked at my phone and checked the time. "It's 9:57am. Why?" "I really have to go. I mean I need to talk to my dad." "Oh um want me to drop you off?" "Yeah, thanks." "I'll wait for you in my car while you get changed," I said and stood up from my bed. I walked put of my room and downstairs. I walked out the door and into my car.
    I turned on my car and changed the radio to my favorite station, B96. Then Teenage Dream by Katy Perry started. I started to sing along. "You think I'm pretty without any make-up on. You think I'm funny when I tell the punch line wrong. I know you get me so I'll let my walls come down, down. Before you met me i was a wreck but things were kind heavy. You brought me to life. No, every February you'll be my valentine, valentine. Let's go all the way tonight no regrets just love. We can dance until we die. You and I. We'll be young forever. You make me feel like I'm living the teenage dream the way you turn me on. I can't sleep. Let's run away and don't ever look back don't ever look back," I sang as the passenger door opened. "You have a beautiful voice," Vladimir said as he got in the car. "Thanks," I said and drove towards his house.
          I went up the drive way to Vladimir's house. More like mansion. I parked in my parking space Vladimir had saved for me. I stepped out of the car and ran after Vladimir. He sure was in a hurry. We walked inside his house and took in the smell of cookies. "Mom?" Vladimir called as he went into the kitchen. I followed him and saw his mom. "Hey honey. Hello Alison," she said as she took me into a big hug. "Hi Mrs. Perez," I said and hugged her back. "Where's dad?" Vlad asked his mom. "In his study," she said. "I'll be right back," he said and left. "So, are you staying for dinner?" Mrs. Perez asked me.

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