*Chapter 14*

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                    I opened my eyes and felt soreness in my lower half. I groaned and looked around for Vladimir. But, he wasn't in bed. I got out of bed and grabbed the blue bathrobe that was on the bed. I put it on and opened his bedroom door. I walked down the hallway way and down the stairs. I could smell something cooking in the kitchen. It smelled so good. I walked into the kitchen and saw Vladimir shirtless cooking breakfast. "Good morning," I said as I kissed his cheek. "Good morning," he said and wrapped his arm around my waist. He gave me a peck on the lips and continued to cook breakfast.

                           I got the table ready and poured myself and Vladimir some orange juice. I suddenly felt dizzy and placed the pitcher on the table. "Ally, are you ok?" I heard Vladimir ask as he walked up to me. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just felt a little dizzy," I said and sat down on the chair. He served two plates of food and placed a plate in front of me and sat down. I started to eat my food and so did he.

                       I drank some juice and looked up at him. "Why did you leave?" I asked him. He looked at me with hurt in his eyes. "Because I needed time to think," he said softly. "Did you leave because I'm your mate?" I asked softly. "How do you know that?" "Nick told me. I thought you were supposed to tell me. But, instead you just left," I said sadly. "Ally I left because I needed to think. If I told you about you being my mate and I hurt you, I would never forgive myself. I'd rather stay friends forever than lose you Ally," Vladimir said and interlaced our fingers together. "Vlad you could have talked to me instead of leaving." "I know Ally. I'm sorry. Last night wasn't even supposed to happen. I mean not like that. It was your first time. It was supposed to be special." "It was special Vlad. Especially because it was with the one I love," I said and got up from my chair. I sat on his lap and kissed him. He kissed me back.

                                      "I love you, Ally. I will never hurt you. I promise," he said and smiled. I smiled and rested my head on his shoulder. "I love you too, Vladimir," I said and got up from his lap. "Where are you going?" he asked me. "I need to take a shower," I said and headed upstairs. I walked down the hallway and went into the bathroom. I turned on the water and took off my bathrobe. I stepped into the shower and instantly relaxed.

                                I closed my eyes and images from last night came flooding into my mind. The feeling of Vladimir's skin rubbing against mine. The feeling of him going inside me. I moaned slightly and felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I opened my eyes and quickly turned around. It was Vladimir. "I still need to do something," he said and leaned me against the shower wall. He brought his lips down to my breast and started to suck. "Vladimir, what are you doing?" I asked.

                        He looked up to me and smiled. "You're officially my mate now," he said. "Are you sure you didn't just give me a hickey?" he shook his head. "No. It's like a mark," he said and kissed me. I kissed him back an smiled against his lips. I pulled away from him and grabbed my watermelon scented shampoo. I rubbed it all over my hair and rinsed it off. 

                              I felt Vladimir run his hand down my hip. "Stop it," I said and giggled. "I cants help it. You're so beautiful," he whispered in my ear. I smiled and grabbed his shampoo and rubbed it all over his hair. He rinsed his hair and I smiled. I washed my body with my kiwi scented body wash. Vladimir did the same. I rinsed my body and turned off the water. I pulled open the curtain and grabbed a towel. I dried my body and wrapped it around my body. I looked at myself in the mirror and brushed my teeth. I noticed a mark on my breast. I looked closer and saw a heart. I smiled and turned around. Vladimir wasn't in the bathroom. He's probably in his room already. I walked out of the bathroom and walked towards his room.

                            I went into his closet and looked for my suit case. I put on a pair of black tights and a cookie monster t-shirt. I put on my comfy socks and brushed my hair. I left my hair down and went downstairs. I walked into the living room and saw Vladimir sitting on the couch. He was wearing a pair of blue plaid pajama pants and a white t-shirt.

                           I walked up to him and he pulled me down onto his lap. "We need to talk," he said in a serious tone. "Ok. What about?" I asked. "Since you and I are mates, we can feel each other's feelings. Not all of them. Mostly when one of us is in trouble. We could also send images into each other's minds. Well, I can send images to you. But, I'm not sure if you can send them to me," he said. "Wow. That is a lot. Um are we officially mates now? I mean like is the process finished." He nodded. "Yeah. I just had to do this," he said and lifted my shirt up. He pointed to the heart on my breast. "That is basically so no other man can touch you. If another werewolf wants you, they'll know you've been mated already. You're all mine," he said and captured my lips into his.

                         I kissed him back and wrapped my arms around his neck. He pulled me close to him and kissed my neck. "Wait, Vladimir. We can't right now," I said. He nodded and gave me a peck on the lips. "Ok, Ally. What do you want to do today then?" he asked. "Anything I guess," I said and got off of him. "Ok, then come here," he said and picked me up bridal style. I giggled as he went up the stairs. He took me into his bedroom and closed the door.

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