*Chapter 7*

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Helloo everyone!! I want to thank you all for all of the support you have been giving me through out the story..this is my first werewolf love story ever!! lol ok, so i basically want to dedicate this chapter to tigerlily624 for commenting on all of my chapters and making my day..lol..i wasn't going to upload until wednesday but, because of her making my day i'm uploading today lol :) Yay!



       I ran into the hospital and saw Vladimir's parents. Tears were rolling down my cheeks. "Where's Vladimir? How is he?" I sobbed. "Ally he's fine just relax," Mr. Perez said. "No, I won't relax. Where's Vladimir I want to see him!" I said and was about to run down the hall when Jake grabbed me. "Ally relax please," Jake said and pulled me close. "No, I want to see Vladimir. Jake please," I sobbed into his shirt.
      Jake sat down on the couch in the waiting room and pulled me down next to him. "I want to see him, Jake," I sobbed. He pulled me closer and I saw Emmy sit down next to me and hug me. I really want to see Vladimir. I want to make sure he's ok. He needs to be ok. "It's ok Ally. Just relax," Jake said and rubbed my back soothingly. I closed my eyes and darkness took over.

                                                                      * * *

        "Ally, wake up. You can go see Vladimir now," I heard Jake say ad he shook me softly. I opened my eyes and looked up at him. "What?" "You can go see Vladimir now." I nodded and stood up from the couch. Vladimir's parents walked out of his room and I walked into it. I looked over at Vladimir. He looked back at me. He had a couple of stitches on his forehead. His arms had cuts. Tears began to roll down my cheeks as I walked up to him.
      "Ally please don't cry. I'm ok," he said and grabbed my hand. I felt sparks go through my whole body at his touch. But, why? I sat down on the chair next to his bed. He didn't let go of my hand. "Vladimir, why did you do it?" I asked him. "I got drunk because it really hurt losing you. But, I never thought I would get in a car accident. I worry you a lot Ally. I know I do. I'm sorry for worrying you so much. I'm really sorry," he said as tears filled his eyes. I stood up from the chair and hugged him. He hugged me back. "Ally please forgive me," he sobbed. "It's ok Vlad. I forgive you, ok? Just promise me you'll never do something this stupid again," I said and pulled away to look at him. "I promise," he said and kissed my cheek. Again, I felt sparks go through my whole body. Why am I feeling this?
        "Ally, do you care about me?" Vladimir asked me. "Yeah I do. I care about you very much," I said and wiped my tears away. "Do you believe in soul mates?" he asked me. "Soul mates?" I asked. "Yeah, soul mates. As in the love of your life." "I do actually. We all have someone we deeply care about," I said and smiled. "What if we were soul mates?" he asked me.
      Us soul mates? Why would he say that? "I don't know. I never thought about that. I mean I love you as a best friend Vlad." He looked hurt ad I said that. Did it hurt me saying that I love him like a friend? "Anyways I have a football game on Monday. I was wondering if you would wear my jersey," he said and smiled. "Wait, you can't play on monday. You're getting out if the hospital tomorrow. You need time to recover," I said. "I'm still playing Ally. I'll be fine. I promise," he said and smiled. "You better be fine," I said as Jake walked into the room along with Emmy. "Ally, we're going home. Do you want to come with us or stay here with Vladimir?" Jake asked me.
      I looked over at Vladimir. "Go ahead Ally. I'll see you Monday," he said and half smiled. "Are you sure? I mean I could stay here and leave tomorrow," I said. "Really?" "Yeah, I mean if it's ok." "Yeah, it's ok. You could stay if you want Ally," Jake said. "Ok, I'll stay," I said and smiled. "I'll pick you up when Vladimir gets released," Jake said and hugged me. He walked out of the room with Emmy. I felt Vladimir grab my hand. Again, I felt sparks go through my body. Why am I feeling this way?!
      "Vladimir, you should get some rest. It's late," I said and checked my phone for the time. It was 6am. "Ok, I'll go to sleep. I am feeling a little tired though," he said and yawned. "Yeah, so am I," I said and rested my head on the bed. I fell asleep with Vladimir rubbing my back.

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