*Chapter 1*

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Picture of Alison and Vladimir..Alison is played by Selena Gomez and Vladimir by Zac Efron :)



      "Ally wake up," I heard a familiar voice say while shaking me softly. "Hmm," I said still asleep. "Wake up. You need to get ready for school or we'll be late." "Five more minutes Vlad," I said. I felt him pull the covers off of me and I groaned. "Vladimir!" I whined as I opened my eyes. "Yes?" he said and smirked. "You suck," I said and got out of bed. "What do I suck?" he asked and smirked. I threw a pillow at him and went into my personal bathroom.
      My bathroom is pretty cool. It has a tub in the middle of the bathroom. The shower with glass doors is in the corner. There's a sink with a big mirror. And then there was another door that led to my closet. So, my closet has two doors.
      I locked the bathroom door and took off my clothes. I turned on the shower and stepped into it. I instantly relaxed as the water ran down my spine. I washed my hair with my watermelon scented shampoo. I rinsed my hair and washed my body with my coconut scented body wash. I rinsed my whole body and turned off the water. I wrapped a towel around my body and walked up to the sink. I brushed my teeth and grabbed my clothes from the floor. I went into my closet and threw my clothes down the laundry shoot.
      I put on a pair of blue panties and a blue with white dots bra. I decided on wearing a dress today so I grabbed a black strapless dress and my black flats. I walked back into my bathroom and brushed my hair. I left it down and didn't bother to put on any make-up. Vladimir said I looked better without make-up anyway. I walked out of the bathroom and saw that my bed was made and Vladimir was sitting on it. "You only took fifteen minutes. That's a new record," he said and smirked.
      "Yeah well you said we were running late," I said and stuck my tongue out at him. "Well we're not. So let's go. I'll buy you breakfast," he said as he got off my bed. "Ok," I said and grabbed my book bag.

                    * * *

      I walked into the school with Vladimir. I walked towards my locker and opened it. I put my book bag inside and grabbed the books I needed. "Do you want me to carry your books?" Vladimir asked me. "No, thank you. I can carry my own books," I said as I grabbed my notebook and pencil bag. "Ok," he said. I closed my locker and groaned when I saw HER. Vladimir's girlfriend was coming this way. Vladimir is a player and the most popular guy in school. He's going out with the school slut. I'm really surprised she's not pregnant yet or something.
      "Hey baby. I missed you last night," she said as she kissed him. I looked away and walked towards my first class. I walked into my English class and sat down in my usual seat near the window.
        The rest of the students came into the room as the bell rang. "Good Morning students," Mrs. Carmona said. She then started her lesson about Shakespeare. I really like learning about Shakespeare. Even though some of his writing is confusing.
      Vladimir then walked in twenty minutes late to class. "Mr. Perez why are you late?" Mrs. Carmona asked. "I'm sorry I had to do something," he said and smirked as the other girls in the classroom stared all over him. I even saw some girls pull their shirts a little lower. Eww. That's just too desperate.
      "Just sit in you seat," Mrs. Carmona said as she continued her class. Vladimir took his seat next to me. "Hey sorry I'm late. I had to do something," he whispered in my ear. "Yeah and that something was to have sex with your girlfriend in the janitor's closet," I whispered back angrily. "How did you-." I cut him off and whispered. "It's pretty obvious." I looked at him from the corner of my eye and noticed a hint of sadness on his face.
    The bell rang signaling the end of class and Vladimir shot out of his seat and practically ran out of the classroom. What was that all about?

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