*Chapter 12*

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                       I put on a pair of black leggings and a white with black dress. I put on my black and white flats and brushed my hair. Today is Valentine's Day. There's going to be a lot of people making out in the hallway and what not. I didn't really want to go to school today since I still missed my best friend. But, my brother, Jake, is making me go. I hate him.
                       I bought Nick a present. He said he was buying me something too. But, he wouldn't tell me what. I bought him a teddybear and a box of chocolates. I think what I bought him is really cute.
I grabbed my sweater and went downstairs. I grabbed the present and my my book bag and grabbed a muffin. "Good morning Ally," I heard Emmy say. "Good morning," I said and smiled. "I'll see you after school," I said and walked out the door. I put my stuff in the back seat and got in the front seat. I turned on the car and got out of my parking space. I started to drive towards the school listening to the radio. There were a bunch of love songs on.
                       I heard my phone ring. I turned off the radio and took my phone out of my bag. "Hello?" I said into the speaker. "Hey Ally. Are you on your way?" Nick asked. "Yeah I'm on my way. I'm actually parking in the school parking lot," I said and parked my car. "Alright I see you. I'm running towards you car right now," he said and I looked out the window. "Ok. But, don't slip on the ice," I said. "I won't. Woah!" I heard Nick say. I hung up the phone and took off my seatbelt quickly. I got out of my car and ran towards Nick. 
                       "Nick! Are you ok?" I asked him as I helped him up. "Yeah I'm fine babe. Where's my present?" he asked as he got up. I laughed and hugged him. "Happy Valentine's Day. Oh and your present is in my car," I said. He smiled and ran towards my car. I smiled and walked behind him.
I opened the backseat door and took out his present and box of chocolates. I handed it to him and smiled. "Thank you Ally. This bear is so cute," he said and hugged me. I smiled. "You're welcome Nick. Now, we should get in the school," I said and closed the door and locked my car. We walked towards the school and entered it. There were people with big grins on their faces and others with bears or flowers in their hands. I walked towards my locker and stopped dead in my trail. On my locker and around it were a whole bunch of bears, flower bouquets, boxes of chocolates, and balloons. I walked up to my locker and grabbed the card that was taped to my locker door. I opened it and read it. "Ally, I'm really sorry for what I did. I just need time to think straight. I really love you. You don't know how much. My love for you is unexplainable. I miss you and love you," I read from the card. The writing looked very familiar. But, it couldn't be him, right? I mean he left and he couldn't just have come back to give me this and then leave.
                  I quickly picked everything up and put it inside my car with the help of some locker neighbors. I went back into the school and grabbed my book I needed for my first period class.

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                     I walked into the lunchroom and swiped my school I.D. I got in the line and grabbed my food. I payed for my food and went to sit with Nick and some other people I didn't know but, Nick did. I sat next to Nick and half smiled.
                   "Hey everyone," I said shyly. They all said hi back and went back to talking. "Ally, Nate is having a party this weekend at his house. Do you want to go?" Nick asked me. "Um I don't know Nick," I said and ate some of my mashed potatoes. "C'mon! It'll be fun. I promise not to get drunk or anything. I pinky swear," he said showing me his pinky. "Alright, I'll go. But, only for a while," I said. "Ok, as long as we have some fun," he said and hugged me. How much fun does one guy need?

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