*Chapter 18*

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                   I looked at myself in the mirror. I only had my blue and black stripped bra on. I looked at my stomach. I don't have a baby bump yet. Which is a good thing too. I want to surprise Vladimir when he gets home.

                   I put on my blue spaghetti strap shirt and my black pajama shorts. I picked up the Baby'R'Us bag that was on the floor. Nick had taken me out to buy baby clothes. He bought only a couple of clothes. I insisted that he didn't have to since I don't know what I'm having yet. He's just happy that he's going to be an uncle. I'm happy I'm going to be a mommy. Even though I'm still young.    

               I laid down on my bed and grabbed the pregnancy book I bought yesterday. I want to know as much information as possible so that my babies come out healthy. I started to read the book and my eyes slowly started to close. I slowly fell asleep.                                    


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                  I opened my eyes at the smell of blood. Weird how I can smell that. I sat up and saw a man laid down on my bed. I turned on my bedside lamp and saw Vladimir. He was bleeding from his arm and his shirt was covered in blood. "Vladimir," I said as I shook him softly to wake him up. "Mmm. Ally sorry if I woke you up. I'm back," he said weakly. I got out of bed and helped him up. "C'mon. I need to check your injuries," I said and led him into the bathroom.

                   I filled the sink with warm water and grabbed a small towel. "Take off your shirt please," I said as I dipped the towel into the water. He nodded and took off his shirt. I cleaned off his injuries and he winced in pain. "Sorry," I said. I bandaged up his arm and his left ribs. He had a deep cut on his left side of his chest. I cleaned it off and bandaged it up. "There. You're all finished," I said and put everything away. I threw away the bloody towel into the garbage can. "I'd be dead by now if it weren't for you Ally. You're like my own personal doctor," Vlad said and smiled. "Don't say that," I said and hugged him.

                    He smiled and sniffed me. "Ally, you smell a little different. You have like a sweet smell coming off of you. Something I've only smelled before when-." I cut him of and smiled up at him. "I have to tell you something." "What is it?" he asked worriedly. "Um ever since you've been gone or at least for the past week I've been throwing up a lot. I've also been having small stomach aches. I went to the doctor and um they said I was pregnant, with twins," I said and smiled. He looked down at me. He had no emotion on his face. Is he not happy that I'm pregnant?

                    "Vladimir?" I asked after a few seconds of silence. "Yeah?" he asked and looked down at me. "Are you not happy that I'm pregnant?" I asked sadly. "Ally, I am. It's just that we can't have a baby right now. Well in this case babies. People want to kill me and they might get to me by attacking my loved ones. Protecting you is hard enough. Now I'll have to take care of three. I just, I don't know Ally," Vladimir said softly. I felt tears roll down my cheeks. I walked out of the bathroom and went into my room. I sat down on my bed tears rolling down my cheeks. Vladimir didn't want a baby. Not now at least.      

                "Ally, could we please talk about this," I heard Vladimir say as he entered my bedroom. "I'm not having an abortion Vladimir if that's what you want to talk about," I said as more tears fell from my eyes. I looked up at him and he looked hurt. "Alison I would never ask you to have an abortion! Especially if you're pregnant with my babies! Why would you even say that?" Vladimir asked as he sat next to me on the bed. "You said you don't want to have the babies," I said sadly. "I didn't say I didn't want to. It's just that I don't want anything to happen to you," he said softly as he pulled me onto his lap. "Well what's done is done," I said and buried my face into his chest. "I could always have people protecting you. But, when I do leave, you need to stay at the pack house. The pack members will be able to protect you there," Vladimir said. I nodded.

                       "So, we're having twins?" Vladimir asked after a few seconds of silence. "Yeah. I saw them when I went to the hospital. They're so tiny," I said an smiled. I felt Vladimir place his hand on my flat belly. He kissed me and smiled. "I'm going to be a dad. I can't believe this is happening so fast. I mean you only found out we were mates a couple of weeks ago. Now look at us. We're going to be parents. "At least we know a lot about each other," I said and kissed him. "Yeah. It's not like the other pack members that find there mate and don't really know much about them," Vladimir said and laid us down with me in his arms. "I'm glad you're back Vladimir. I don't want you to leave me again," I said sadly. "I won't Ally. I love you," he said an smiled. "I love you too, Vladimir," I said and kissed his cheek. "We're going to be a family," I mumbled as I fell asleep.



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