*Chapter 23*

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            As I felt the spot next to me I quickly opened my eyes. Vladimir wasn't in bed. I looked around the room. This wasn't my bedroom nor was it Vladimir's bedroom. I stood up from the bed and walked over to the window. That's when I noticed I was wearing a silk night gown. Who had changed me out of my clothes? How did I end up here? 

            I looked out the window and saw the ocean. It was beautiful. There was a knock on the door. "Come in," I said slowly. The door opened and a lady that looked to be in her late forties walked in. "Good morning Miss. It's time for breakfast. There are clean clothes in the closet and dressers. The bathroom is through those double doors," she said. "Um where am I?" I asked. "I'm not allowed to tell you. Mr. Maldonado will tell you shortly," she said and started making the bed. "Ok, thank you," I said.

            I took a quick shower and changed into a yellow sundress and put on a pair of black flats. How is it that all this shoes an clothes fit me perfectly? I rubbed my swollen belly. Who's Mr. Maldonado? I walked out the bedroom door and down the hallway. There were a bunch of paintings hung up on the wall. I walked down the stairs and towards what I believed was the dinning room.

           As I walked into the dinning room I saw a man sitting at the table reading some papers. He looked to be in his late thirties. He looked up from the papers and smiled when he saw me. "Good morning Alison. I see you finally woke up," he said. "Good morning," I said softly and sat down. I was given a plate of food which had waffles, two sausages, two pieces of bacon, and a hash brown. "Anything to drink ma'am," the man serving the food asked. "Orange juice please," I said. He poured me a glass of juice and placed it in front of me. He then walked out of the kitchen.

            I started to eat my food. It was really good. The man I assumed was Mr. Maldonado began to eat. "Where am I?" I blurted out breaking the silence. "In my home. I'm glad I found you Alison. I missed do many years out of your life. I'm not going to be missing anymore," Mr. Maldonado said and smiled. "I'm sorry, what?" I asked. "Right you don't remember. You were still a baby when I left. I'm your father," Mr. Maldonado said.

              Did I hear him right? Did he say he was my dad? That can't be. Or can it? "Good morning father," a young man said breaking me out of my thoughts. Father? He was his son, too? "Good morning Armando. This is Alison. She's your sister," Mr. Maldonado said. I looked up at Armando and he looked at me. He smiled and said, "Hey." "Hi," I said simply. He sat down on the chair next to me and began to eat.

          "You can't be my father," I said. "Well, I am. You see I wanted to see you again. But, your mother wouldn't let me. So, the only way I could see you was to bring you to me," my father said. "Well you can't just do that. Vladimir is looking for me. He'll find me," I said as tears filled my eyes. "I doubt he would get anywhere near me. I'm the Alpha of the Moon pack. He can't get close to my pack house without getting hurt. Besides we're not in Pennsylvania anymore," he said and smirked. 

              "I'm guessing I'm going to be a grandfather?" he said after a moment of silence. "No. I don't want anything to do with you. You left my mother and me when I was a baby!" I said at the verge of tears. "I left because I had to. I had another family. You see I was with Armando's mother at the time. Armando was two at the time. Then I met your mother and something happened. I fell in love with her and then we had you. My father said I couldn't be with a human and demanded that I return back home and take my rightful place as Alpha along side with Anna, Armando's mother. I didn't want to leave Alison. I had to. My father was just furious that I had cheated on my mate with a human," my father said. "That still didn't give you the right to not keep in contact with us," I said and stood up from my seat.

               I went back into the room I was in with tears running down my cheeks. How could he just decide to kidnap me. He could have just asked my mom to see me. As I sat down at the bed I felt my babies kick. "Don't worry babies. Daddy will find us soon," I said and rubbed my belly soothingly.


DAAAMN!! lol who would have guessed that?! lol anywaysi love you guys..thnx for shoing some love..please comment and vote if you want too..oh and i placed this story in the Watty Awards 2012 ^.^  

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