*Chapter 5*

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      I walked into my eighth period class. I have economics this period. Good thing it's my last class of the day. I smiled and sat in my seat in the back by the window. I took out my notebook as the teacher walked in and so did the rest of the class.
    The teacher started her class. "God Alison. You don't know how much I love you. How much I need you, my love," I heard a voice say in my mind. I have been hearing the same thing in my mind since the night I spent at Vladimir's house. But, why does it keep going through my head.
    I looked up at the clock. Ten more minutes and we had to leave. But, I have to use the washroom really bad. I got out of my seat and grabbed my work that we had to do in class that I finished. I placed it on the teacher's desk. "Excuse me. Mr. Valiska? May I go to the washroom?" "Sure just take your things with you. We only have a couple minutes left," he said. I walked back to my seat and grabbed my stuff. I walked out of the classroom and towards my locker and opened it. I put my books I was carrying into my locker and grabbed the ones I needed. I only needed my geometry book since I only had homework in that class. I put my sweater on and left my book bag in my locker and locked it. I'll come back for my book bag after I come out of the washroom.
      I walked towards the washroom. I walked inside and heard people moaning. I bent down a little and looked under the stalls. When I got to the big one I saw two pair of feet. A guy and a girl's. I walked backwards and bumped into the trashcan and fell flat on my butt. I heard shuffling coming from the stall and I got up quickly. As I was getting up the stall opened. Vladimir walked out of the stall with Jessica, his slutty girlfriend. "Ally," Vladimir said.
    The bell rang and I quickly ran out of the girl's washroom and towards my locker. I felt tears roll down my cheeks. I mean it hurt to actually see him having sex in the bathroom. I mean I even heard them!
    I opened my locker and grabbed my book bag. I saw Vladimir running towards me. I closed my locker and walked towards the exit. "Ally wait," I heard Vladimir say as he grabbed my hand. I turned around and looked at him. "Ally look I'm sorry-." I cut him of and said, "No! Sorry isn't going to work this time. I've had it! I'm done with having a player as a best friend! I've had it!" People were starting to stare at us. "Ally please. It's not what it seems. I mean," he tried to explain. "No, Vladimir! You don't even know how this makes me feel, do you?! I'm just sick of it. I'm not going to be the school's player's best friend anymore. I'm done!" I said as more tears rolled down my cheeks. "Ally please don't do this," he said as tears filled his eyes. "I'm done with you," I said and walked out of the school.
    I saw Jake talking to some girl and I ran up to him. Jake is my older brother. He's twenty-one years old.
    I hugged Jake and buried my face into his chest. He hugged me back. "Sorry, I have to go," he said to the girl he was talking to. "Ally, what's wrong?" Jake asked me. "I'll tell you in the car," I sobbed into his shirt.
      We walked towards his car. I got into the passenger's seat and he got into the driver's seat. Jake is away at college. He's almost graduating. He comes visit my mom and I whenever he can. My father isn't in the picture. Neither is Jake's. My mom got pregnant with Jake at 16. Jake's dad didn't want a kid so he left my mom. Then when my mom was in college she met a guy. Of course he got her pregnant. So my mom was a mom again at 21. Jake was four at the time. My dad stayed with my mom for some time but, he left. My mom sued both my father and Jake's for child support. Even though my mom is a single mom she still tries her best to raise us. I have a part time job at a café I would go to all the time. Jake has a job as a mechanic. He's the manager actually. Jake loves me and my mom to death. He's always taking care of me. We're really close.
      Jake drove out of the school's parking lot. "What happened Ally?" Jake asked me as more tears rolled down my cheeks. "I saw Vladimir with his girlfriend in the girl's washroom. They were having sex in there. I didn't see anything. I just heard them. But, it still hurt. I mean I know we're best friends and all but it still hurt. I told him some mean things and I regret saying them. But, I was hurting," I said and wiped away my tears. "It's ok Ally. I understand. I know how you must feel right now. But, it's just that us guys have some real strong urges that we can't help ourselves. I'm not saying it's a good thing. I'm just saying that it's part of growing up. I guess. I mean no. Gosh I don't even know how to explain this," Jake said as he drove. "It's ok Jake. I kind of understand what you mean," I said and smiled. "Yeah right," he said and parked in front of our house.
      "Ally, what would you say if I brought a friend over?" he asked me as we got out of the car. "Like a guy friend?" I asked. "No, like a girlfriend," he said and blushed. I stopped walking and turned to look at him. "Like a girl friend or a girlfriend as in kissing and stuff." "A girlfriend as in kissing and stuff," he said and chuckled. "Oh my gosh! I would love to meet her! How long have you guys been going out?" I asked him and smiled. We started to walk towards the house. "In my second year of college. We started out as friends and then I asked her out on a date. I'm sorry I didn't tell you. It's just that I wasn't sure on how to," he said and opened the door. "It's ok Jake. I'm just glad I get to meet her," I said and smiled.

Vladimir's P.O.V.

      I watched as Ally left. She just ended our friendship. I just lost her. I lost my mate. "You idiot! I can't believe you lost our mate!" I heard my wolf say inside me. I walked towards my locker and grabbed my stuff. I closed my locker and saw Jessica standing there. "So, are we on for tonight?" he asked me seductively. "No, actually it's over Jessica," I said and walked away. "What? You can't end our relationship just like that. Vladimir I love you!" "Well i don't Jessica. So, it's over," I said and walked towards my car. I got in it and drove away.
      I still can't believe I hurt Ally like that. I completely lost her. Tears rolled down my cheeks. I just hope she forgives me. I don't know how long I'll be able to stay away from her.

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