*Chapter 21*

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Vladimir's P.O.V.

               "Why would the Alpha of the Moon pack want Ally? It just doesn't make sense. I mean unless he wants to get to me by hurting her!" I said. "Look son you need to relax. We'll find out soon enough why they want Alison. It is possible that they want to hurt Alison to get to you. But, Alison is well protected. I don't think anyone will get to her," my father said as he sat down at his desk. "You don't think? What if they do get to her?! Then what? We can't just go in there and get her out. We would need A plan. Their pack house is very well protected," I said. "Where is Alison now?" my father asked. I ran my hand through my hair. "She's with Nick and James shopping for a prom dress." "See she's in good hands son. No need to worry too much. Besides you have people watching her, right?" I shook my head. "No. She doesn't want people following her around. She only wants either James or Nick with her," I said. "Well then she's with people that protect her Vladimir. Two people is enough. Nothing is going to happen to her," my father said as he pulled out some papers from a drawer. "Yeah I wouldn't be so sure about that father," I said angrily and walked out of his office.

             I walked into my room and closed the door. I laid down on my bed and looked up at the ceiling. How am I going to do this? How am I going to keep my mate and my pups safe? I closed my eyes and slowly fell asleep.

                                                                 * * *

Ally's P.O.V.

                 "This is the one," I said and smiled. "Are you sure? You said that about the other dresses too," James said tiredly. I've been looking for a prom dress all day. Well not really all day but for the past three hours. "Actually that one looks really good on you. You should so get that one," Nick said and smiled. I looked at my self in the mirror. The dress is and aqua color with no sleeves. It has kind of like a diamond lace that ties behind my neck to hold it up. It long and loose. It's really pretty. "I'm getting this one," I said and smiled. I turned to look Nick and James. "Yes you should get that one. It's really pretty and looks good on you," James said as he got up from the couch. I giggled and got off the little stage. "Ok, I'm going to go change so we can leave. I'm really hungry," I said and went into the dressing room.

                 I heard a knock on the dressing room door. "Yes?" I asked. "Ally it's me. Want me to unzip the dress?" Nick asked. "Yes please," I said and opener the door. I turned around and he unzipped the dress. "Thanks," I said and closed the door. I took of the dress and put it back on the hanger. I put on my clothes and shoes and walked out the dressing room with the dress in my hands. "Ok, I just need to pay for it," I said and smiled. I grabbed my bag and walked up to the register. I handed the dress the the lady and she smiled at me. "Prom dress?" she asked. I nodded. "It's very pretty. The color goes well with your skin tone," she said as she put the dress in a big bag so it wouldn't get damaged. "Thank you," I said and smiled. "Ok the total is $100.67," the lady said. I nodded and handed her my debit card that Vlad had given me. I payed for the dress and walked out of the store.

                 We got into James's car and he started to drive home. "The dress is really pretty Ally. It's also A good thing it's loose for your belly," Nick said. "Yeah I know. That's the other reason why I bought the dress," I said and looked out the window.

                We arrived at Vladimir's house. "Are you guys coming in?" I asked. "Not today Ally. I'm taking Nick out on a special dinner," James said. "Alright then. Have fun you two. Oh and wear protection," I said and got out of his car.

                 I went inside Vlad's house and closed the door behind me. I went up the stairs and walked down the hall to his room. I walked into his room and saw that he was asleep. I closed the door slowly and put my dress in the closet all the way in the back on my side. I walked out of the closet and walked up to his bed. I got down on my knees and smiled. He looks so cute when he's sleeping.

                I smiled and kissed him. He opened his eyes and smiled against my lips. He kissed me back and pulled me up onto the bed. He got on top of me and continued to kiss me. I kissed him back and but his lip slightly. He groaned and pulled away. "I missed you," he said and smiled. "I missed you too. I found my dress," I said and smiled. "You did? That's great. Can I see it?" he asked as he got off the bed. "No, not yet. You have to wait till prom," I said and smiled. "Right prom," Vlad said. "Is everything alright?" I asked. "Yeah. It's just that I'm a little nervous about prom," he said. I got off the bed and wrapped my arms around his waist from the back. I buried my face into his back. "It's going to be ok. Don't get that nervous about it," I Said and smiled. "Yeah well I do need to get worried and nervous Ally. I never know when they might attack," Vladimir said as he pulled away from me. "You're still with that? You need to relax Vladimir. I'm safe with Nick and James," I said. "No you're not! You need a lot of people watching you Ally. You never know who might be the bad person," Vladimir said. "So, the bad person could be you?" I asked.

                 "No, not me Ally. Please just understand that I want you safe," Vladimir said as he walked up to me. "Fine, then just let James and Nick look out for me. I'll be alright with just them," I begged. He sighed and said, "Alright. I'll just let James and Nick look out for you. But, I'll send out an extra guard just in case. But, you won't know who it is. It'll be like he's not even there," Vladimir said and hugged me. "Alright," I said and have him a peck on the lips.

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