*Chapter 8*

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I'd like to dedicate this chapter to GrrNick..lol..he's a new friend i made :) yay! lol


           I opened my eyes and smiled. I got out of bed and went into my personal bathroom. I took a quick shower and went into my closet. I put in a pair of black shorts and blue tank top. I put my blue converse on and walked back into my room. I brushed my hair and left it down. I didn't bother to put any make-up on. I put on Vladimir's jersey over my tank top. I looked at myself in the mirror. His jersey actually looked pretty good on me.
           My phone started to ring and I looked for it. I grabbed it from my dresser and answered it. "Hello?" I said into the phone. "Hey I'm outside," Vladimir said. "Ok, I'll be right out," I said and hung up. I grabbed my sweater and my book bag. I walked out of my room and down the stairs. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a blueberry muffin. "Careful, it's hot," my mom said and handed me a napkin. "I will. Thanks," I said and walked out the front door.
          I looked around for Vladimir's car. He was leaning against the side door. I walked up to him and smiled. "Hey," I said. "Hey," he said and opened the door for me. "Thanks," I said and got into the car. He closed the door and jogged over to his side. He got in and drove towards the school. "Thanks for wearing my jersey. It means a lot," he said and smiled. "No problem," I said and looked out the window. "It hurts not being able to be with you Ally," a voice said in my head. Why do these voices keep popping into my head? And why do they sound like Vladimir?
           Vladimir parked in the school parking lot and I quickly got out of the car. I started to walk towards the school entrance. "Hey, wait up," Vladimir said and chuckled. "Are you ok?" he asked me. "Yeah, I'm fine," I said and entered the school. I walked towards my locker and entered the combination. I opened it and put my book bag inside and grabbed the books I needed. "Hey," I heard someone say. I turned to look to my left and there was a cute guy standing there. He had dark shaggy hair and blur eyes. "Hey," I said and blushed. "I'm Nick," he said and smiled. "I'm Alison," I said and closed my locker. "I'm new. So, I was wondering if you could show me around?"
            Why would he ask me for help? I mean he's so cute. There's girls that are way cuter than me. "Why would you ask me for help? I mean there are other girls or guys." "Yeah well all the girls look at me like they want to sleep with me. As for the guys I get kind of nervous," he said. "Nervous? Why nervous?" I asked and walked towards my first class. "I'm gay," he whispered in my ear. I looked at him. "You're kidding, right?" He shook his head. "Alright then. I'll show you around. Can I see your schedule?" I asked. He nodded and handed me his schedule. He ha the exact same classes that I did. He must be a junior also. "Well you're in luck because we have the same schedule. So, just stick with me and you'll be ok," I said and walked into my first class. "Thanks. You're a really nice girl," he said. "Yeah, I know," I said and sat in my seat. "Is this seat taken?" he asked. "Um yeah. But, you could sit to my right," I said. "Ok," he said and sat in the seat next to me.
           "Are there any cute guys here?" he asked. I giggled. "Yeah, I guess there are. But, I don't really check them out." "Why not?" he gasped. "Because I'm not sure," I said and giggled. "What about that hottie over there?" he asked pointing towards the entrance. I turned to look at the direction he was pointing. He was pointing at Vladimir. "Him? He's my best friend," I said and smiled. "Is that why you're wearing his jersey?" "Yeah, he asked me to wear it," I said. Vladimir turned to look at me and he had a confused expression on his face. He looked from me to Nick. I turned to look at NIck. "Your boyfriend is coming over here," he said and smiled. "He's not my boyfriend," I said.
           "Hey Ally," Vladimir said as he sat down next to me. "Hey Vlad. This is Nick. He's new here," I said looked over at Nick. "Ok, then why is he sitting here?" Vladimir asked. "Because I asked him to. Nick and I are going to become close friends," I said and smiled. "Yeah, she's a really cute friend you have here," Nick said. "Yeah, I know," Vladimir said. "Don't worry Vladimir. I won't take her away from you. I don't really like girls like that. I like them as friends. I prefer guys," Nick said and smiled. "Wait, you're gay?" Vladimir asked. "Yup," he said popping the "P."
           Vladimir was about to say something when the teacher walked in. "Good Morning class," Mrs. Carmona said and began her class.

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            "Why is it that no guy has grabbed your attention?" Nick asked me. "I don't know. I guess I haven't found the right one," I said and opened my locker. "No, that's not it," he said. "Then what is it?" I asked him as I put my books away. "I'm not sure. I'm just sure that it isn't that you haven't found the right guy," he said simply. "Well have you found your guy yet?" I asked him and closed my locker. "Yeah I have. But, he lives far away from here. I really miss him. We talk and text. We also see each other as often as we can," he said sadly. I hugged him and he hugged me back. "Would you mind going to a school game with me?" Nick pulled away and looked at me. "Of course not!" he said and smiled. He grabbed my hand an led me out of the school.
              We walked towards the school football field. We were early so we got good seats. We sat towards the front. "Vladimir's coming," Nick said. "Well yeah he needs to warm up before the game," I said. "Well I can't wait to see what the school football team is made of," Nick said and smirked. "What?" I asked. He stood up from his seat and looked over at the field. "Vladimir! Hey Vladimir! Ally and I are here! We made it! I'm your biggest fan!" Nick yelled. I started to laugh. I looked over at Vladimir. His team mates started to laugh. "Nick sit down," I said and pulled back down to his seat. "Wait till the game starts. Then you can cheer Vladimir on," I said and smiled. "Fine. This game better start soon," he said.

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