*Chapter 20*

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                  I put on an orange loose shirt and a pair of black leggings. I put on my brown high heeled boots and brushed my hair. I left it down and started to clean up my room. I already told Jake about the pregnancy. He was actually happy. I mean he was going to be a dad and an uncle so, all together he's really happy. I also told him about my engagement with Vladimir. Apparently he also proposed to Emmy. So now both Emmy and I are engaged an pregnant. Which I find awesome!

                   I walked out of my room and down the stairs. I grabbed my bag and walked out the front door. I walked towards the little Café that's by the school. I hope Vladimir doesn't get mad when he finds out I left before he comes to pick me up. He's been very protective of me. He's always taking me to school and dropping me off at home. I just think it's too much. I want some alone time to think. I walked into the Café and got in line to order my coffee. I could feel someone watching me. I decided to ignore it and walked up to the register. "Hello what would you like?" the lady behind the register asked. "Um could I get a French vanilla coffee and a blueberry muffin please?" I said. "Sure will that be all?" I nodded. "Your total is $5.38," she said. I nodded and handed her six dollars. She gave me my change and handed me my coffee and muffin. I walked out of the Café and walked towards the school.

                    I ate my muffin and threw the wrapper away in a near by garbage can. I took a sip of my coffee. I still felt like I was being followed. I turned around and saw a man dressed in a black suit walking a distance away behind me. He looks like the guy that was at the café. I started to walk faster towards the school. Only a couple more blocks. I turned my head slightly to the side to see behind me. He was coming closer. I started to jog and looked back. He was doing the same. He was following me! I started to run towards the school. What if he's a rapest and hurts me and my babies. I ran as fast as I could towards the school. I could feel the stalker still running behind me. I saw the school and ran.

                  I ran inside the school and bumped into someone. I fell onto the floor flat on my butt. I looked up and it was James. "Ally are you ok? Why were you running?" he asked as I quickly stood up and hugged him. Tears were rolling down my eyes. "Someone was following me. I got scared. I didn't wait for Vladimir or Nick. He followed me to the school. I'm really scared James," I sobbed into his shirt. He wrapped his arms around me. "It's ok. I'll go see who it is. Go to your locker. Vladimir is waiting for you there," he said and walked away from me. He walked out the main entrance. I walked towards my locker and saw Vladimir standing there. He saw me and had a relieved expression on his face. I ran up to him and hugged him. He wrapped his arms around me.

                       "I'm sorry. I'm really sorry for not waiting for you. I'm really sorry," I sobbed. "It's ok Ally. Just don't ever leave without telling me. I was really worried. You didn't answer your phone. I thought something happened to you," Vladimir said as he held me close. "I was being followed," I whispered. Vladimir looked down at me and said, "By who?" "I don't know. I ran as fast as I could to the school. I bumped into James and he went to check out who it was that was following me," I said and looked up at him. "Ok, that's good. I mean that James went to check out who it was. Oh and Ally I have a surprise for you," Vlad said happily. "What is it?" I asked.

                        He dug into his back pocket and took out two tickets. "I was wondering if you would go to prom with me," Vladimir said. "Of course! I'd love to go to prom with you," I said and kissed him. He kissed me back. I heard someone clear their throat behind me and Vladimir pulled away. I turned around and saw James.  

                       "Did you find out who it was?" Vlad asked. "Yeah," James walked up closer to us and said in a low voice, "It was one of the other pack's guards. He said that his pack leader sent him to look for Ally. He didn't know why their pack leader wants Ally. That's all I could get out of him," James said. "Ok, that's good info. We need to keep Ally safe. Nick has the same schedule as you, right Ally?" Vlad asked. I nodded. "Ok, good. Nick will be taking care of you during school. It's going to be alright Ally. I won't let anything happen to you or our babies," Vladimir said as he pulled me into his embrace. I nodded.   

                       I just hope he can protect us.

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