*Chapter 28*

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                  I felt another contraction and burst into tears. Vladimir held I to my hand and didn't let go. Even though I was squeezing his hand. "It's ok Ally. It'll be over soon," Vlad said as he caressed my cheek. "I can't take it anymore. Call in the nurse please," I begged as I felt another contraction. Vladimir looked over at my mom and she went to get the nurse. 
                   Vladimir stared at me with a pained expression. He was holding in the tears he wanted to let out. Looking at me suffer hurt him. "Ally I'm sorry. I'm the reason you're in so much pain right now. If I had worn a condom that night, you wouldn't be going through this," Vladimir said sadly. "No Vladimir," I started to say as the door opened. 
                  The doctor walked in along with a nurse and my mom. "Ok Alison. I just need to check how far you're dilated," the doctor said as she checked. "Alright Alison. It's time to deliver your babies," the doctor said and smiled. 
                  The nurses readied me for delivery. I looked at Vladimir. He held my hand and gave it a light squeeze. "I'm really scared Vladimir. I'm not ready," I said as tears filled my eyes. "It's going to be ok Ally. I'll be right here next to you," Vladimir said and gave me a quick kiss. "Thank you," I said and smiled.
                   "Ok Alison. I'm going to need to push ok?" the doctor said. I nodded. "Ok, push," she said. As I pushed I heard a nurse counting to ten. The nurse nodded and I stopped pushing. "Ok, push," the doctor said. I pushed and felt my face get hot. The nurse nodded again and I stopped pushing. "Ok, push." I pushed and groaned. This hurts like hell!
                  "Ok Alison. I see the first head. Give me a hard push," the doctor said. I pushed as hard as I could and stopped when I heard a baby cry. "It's a boy," Dr. Mozart said. She handed the baby to a nurse to clean him up. "Ok, Alison. I'm starting to see the other head. Give me two hard pushes." I pushed and felt myself go weak. I heard a baby cry and smiled. "It's a girl," she said. I was handed both my babies. "They're beautiful," Vladimir said and smiled. "They're perfect," I said as I felt weaker. The nurses walked up to me and took my babies away. 
                   "She's growing weak! I need you to get the mom out of hear!" I heard Dr. Mozart yell. I started to feel even more weaker.

Vladimir's P.O.V.

                "What's going on?" I asked. "Vladimir you need to change her now. She's growing too week. She lost a lot of blood," Dr. Mozart said. "But, she's going to suffer the change! I don't want her to go through that," I said sadly. "Vladimir it's either that or death."
                  I looked at Ally. She looked really pale. She looked at me and nodded. "Ok, I'll do it," I said as lowered Ally's gown slightly exposing the mark I gave her. I bit down and heard her grown. She then screamed in pain. I pulled away and looked at the doctor. Dr. Mozart looker back at me. "Vladimir it's for the best. This had to be done sooner or later." 
                  "I know. I just hate seeing her go through all this pain," I said sadly. "It'll be ok. I'll give her some anesthesia. That way she won't feel her body shifting as much. Does her mom know?" Dr. Mozart asked. "Yeah she does. Ally's father is an Alpha," I said. "Very well then. She'll be finisher shifting by tomorrow. The process is much faster due to the fact that it was an Alpha that turned her. But the pain is worse," Dr. Mozart said. "Yeah, I know. I remember the first time I shifted." 
               "I'll be back in a bit to check on her. The nurses will bring your twins in a bit," she said and smiled. As Dr. Mozart walked out of the room I looked at Ally. She was asleep. I sat down on the chair next to the bed. I held her hand and closed my eyes.

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