*Chapter 16*

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               I sat down on Vladimir's bed and looked up at him. He had a lot of explaining to do. Why wouldn't he tell me that he's a soon to be Alpha and why does he keep disappearing?

                 "Why didn't you tell me you were the soon to be Alpha?" I blurted out. I hate awkward silences. "How did you know that?" I crossed my arms over my chest. "Nick's mate told me on accident. Something you didn't do! How are we supposed to trust each other if you won't tell me anything? We're not best friends anymore Vladimir. We're mates!" I yelled at him at the verge of tears. Did he really not trust me enough to tell me his problems?                   


                 "I know Ally. And I'm sorry for not telling you any of my problems. I'm just trying to protect you. I'm also sorry for not telling you about me being the soon to be Alpha. I wasn't sure on how I would tell you," he said as he walked up to me. "Why do you keep disappearing?" I asked. He signed and say down next to me on the bed. "I'm being followed. Since I'm the soon to be Alpha, our rivalry doesn't want me to be Alpha. They want to get rid of us. My father had killed their Alpha but then his son took over. So now they're after me. Whenever they come close to the pack house or near you, I just leave and lead them away. I'm trying to protect you and my pack Ally. I don't want to lose you. We may have pups some day. I don't want anything to happen to you or them," Vladimir said and pulled me close. "Pup?" I asked and giggled. "You know what I mean. When we have babies. There's also something else I need to tell you." "What is it?" I asked. "Before I become Alpha, you must turn into a wolf yourself."

                   A wolf? I have to turn into a wolf? "Will it hurt?" I asked him. "It will hurt. But, I'm not sure about how much. I'll be the one to bite you. I'll also be with you while you turn," he said sadly. "Vladimir I'll be ok. It isn't happening yet so don't worry about it," I said and held his hand. "Yeah, you're right," Vladimir said and smiled. He turned to look at me and kissed me. I kissed him back. He laid me down on the bed and got on top of me. He kissed my neck and then my lips. I felt my hormones going wild. I wanted him. I needed him right now. "Vladimir please. I need you," I pleaded. "Not right now baby girl. My parents are home. Besides I want to show you something," he said as he got off of me and off the bed. I groaned and got off his bed. "Don't be mad Ally. You're going to love what I'm about to show you," Vladimir said and pulled me close. "Fine," I muttered and pulled away from him. I went down the stairs with Vladimir behind me. I walked towards the front door but, Vladimir stopped me. "Wait, we need to go through the back." "We're walking there?" I asked. "No, you're riding on my back," he said and smiled. "In your wolf form?" I asked and smiled. He nodded. We went out the back door and Vladimir looked at me and smiled. He walked a couple of steps away from me and turned into a wolf. I smiled and walked up to him. He lowered himself so that I could get on top of him. I got on top of him and Vladimir ran into the forest. I lowered my head onto his back and took in his scent. He smelled like the forest. I closed my eyes and relaxed.

                    I opened my eyes when I felt Vladimir stop running. I got off of him and gasped. He took me to a meadow on a cliff. You could see the whole town from up here. The sun was starting to set. "I'm guessing you like it," I heard Vladimir say from behind me. I turned to look at him. "Are you kidding? I love it! It's beautiful," I said and kissed him. He smiled against my lips and looked at me. "Let's have a picnic," Vlad said and led me to the picnic blanket. We both sat down and I smiled. "What is there to eat?" I asked. "Hmm I don't know. You tell me," he said and smirked. He opened the lid from one of the containers. There were chocolate covered strawberries in there. In the second container there were heart cut sandwiches. Aw he cut the sandwiches into hearts. He took out some juice boxes an handed me one.

                        "Thanks," I said and grabbed it. I ate a sandwich and smiled. "Mmm peanut butter and jelly. My favorite," I said. "Yeah, I know," he said and grabbed a chocolate covered strawberry. He brought it close to my lips. I smiled and opened my mouth and bit into it tasting the chocolate goodness on my tongue. He ate the rest of the strawberry and kissed me. I laid down on the picnic blanket with him on top of me. He kissed my neck and pulled off my shirt. I blushed and we made slow sweet love as the sun was setting. __________________________________________________________________________

ok, so i got my phone taken away..im not sure when i'll be uploading a new chapter since i write all my chapters on my phone and then publish them..i'm really sorry everyone..i really need anger management classes :/

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