*Chapter 27*

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As I walked towards the pack house I smiled and rubbed my swollen belly. I'm due in about a month and a half. I can't wait to meet my babies. My baby boy and my baby girl. Vladimir and I still need to think of names for our babies. We haven't really had much time to think about that. Vladimir has been distant for the past week. I have a feeling he's hiding something from me.

I unlocked the front door and stepped inside. It was dark. The lights turned on and people yelled out, "Surprise!" I looked around the room. It wasn't my birthday today. I looked at the decorations. There were blue and pink streamers, blue and pink balloons that said, "It's a boy!" or "It's a girl!"

Vladimir walked up to me and hugged me. "Ally are you ok?" he asked me. "What's going on?" I asked curiously. "It's your baby shower," I heard Nick say as he walked up to us and smiled. "Is this why you were so distant? You guys were planning a baby shower for me?" I asked and smiled. "Yeah, I planned the whole thing," Nick said and hugged me. "Thank you," I said and smiled.

Nick pulled away and walked over to a group of people. I saw my mom and dad talking. My mom seemed so happy. Maybe there's a chance that they could get back together. "What are you thinking about?" Vladimir asked me. "How happy my mom is," I said and smiled. "Not all parents get back together Ally. So don't get your hopes up," Vladimir said. I looked up at him, "Yeah, I know," I said sadly.

"C'mon Ally. It's times to open your presents," Nick said as he pulled me away from Vladimir. I sat down on a chair and smiled as everyone gathered around. I looked at the table next to me. It was filled with presents. Nick handed me one and I grabbed it. "Who is it from?" someone asked. I read the tag and said, "It's from Nick and James." I opened it and pulled out a bunch of baby clothes from the bag. "Aww thanks you guys," I said an smiled.

I grabbed the next one and looked at the card. "For your little bundle of joy, love Emmy and Jake," I read. I stood up from my seat and looked at the gift. It's huge! I unwrapped the gift and felt tears fill my eyes. Emmy and Jake bought the cribs for the babies. Emmy and Jake walked up to me and hugged me. "Thank you so much," I said and smiled. "You're welcome," Emmy said and smiled.

I opened the rest of the gifts. I got diapers, bottles, pacifiers, baby wipes, clothes, blankets, and baby bibs. I thanked everyone and walked over to Vladimir. "Could we please leave? I'm getting really bad back pains," I said. "Yeah, let me just get everything into the car," he said and kissed the top of my head. I said good to everyone and walked outside. I got into the car and waited for Vladimir. I felt a sharp pain in my lower stomach. I rubbed my belly soothingly hoping the pain would go away.

The driver's side door opened and Vladimir got into the car. "What's wrong?" he asked me. "I'm getting really bad pains in my lower stomach," I said. "Do you want me to talk you to the hospital?" he asked as he started to drive. "No, let's just go home. I'll call my mom right now," I said and took out my phone. I dialed my Mom's number and waited for her to pick up. "Hello?" my mom said. "Mom I'm getting pains in my lower stomach. I'm not sure if I should go to the hospital or wait," I said into my phone. "Ally just wait. You're probably just getting contractions. You should count how long it takes between each contraction. When it gets to ten minutes or to the point where you can't take the pain anymore go to the hospital. Try to walk for a bit and drink a lot of water," my mom said. "Ok, I'll do that. Thanks mom," I said and hung up.

"What did she say?" Vladimir asked as he parked the car in front of our house. "To count how long it takes in between each contraction, to drink a lot of water, and walk for a bit," I said. "Ok. Go ahead into the house. I'll get this out of the car," Vlad said. I nodded and kissed his cheek. I got out of the car and went into our house. I left the door opened and went into the kitchen. I got a timer out of the drawer and filled a cup with water.

I felt another contraction and started the timer. I walked around the house with the timer in my hand.

I was feeling the contractions every three minutes. Now, it's every seven. They're getting unbearable. "How are you doing?" Vladimir asked as he walked up to me. "Just take me to the hospital please. I can't take the pain anymore," I said as tears rolled down my cheeks. "Ok let's go," Vlad said as he helped me to his car. I just hope my water breaks when I get to the hospital. I don't know how much longer I can take this.

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