*Chapter 13*

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.the song i chose for this chapter is Naked by Dev feat. Enrique Iglesias..oh and this chapter contains sexual content so skip if you want or just go ahead and read. Pervs lol jkjk;)



I walked into my closet and took out the dress I bought yesterday. Nick had made me buy a new dress because he said I needed one. He wanted me to look and I quote sexy. He also made me buy new lace under garments. It's not like I'm going to get lucky tonight. I'm not the type of girl to sleep with a random guy at a party.

I changed into my blue and black dress. The top of the dress was a corset and the bottom was puffy. I put on my black stilettos and brushed my hair. I curled my hair and put on some black eye liner. I grabbed my sweater and my purse and went downstairs. I just hope this party goes well. Nick better not get drunk and leave me.

* * *

I danced along to the music with Nick. We've been here for over an hour and I haven't had a single drink. Guys had offered me but I would say no.

I kept dancing with Nick. He was looking around for something or someone. "Who are you looking for?" I yelled through the music. "I'm looking for a friend. He was supposed to be here an hour ago," he said and stopped dancing. "I'm gonna go look for him. You stay here. I'll be right back," he said and walked away. I sighed and sat down on the couch. There was a couple sitting next to me that was making out. They looked really into it.

"Hey. Wanna dance?" I heard a sexy voice whisper in my ear. I turned to look at the person and caught myself looking into a pair of beautiful green eyes. He had red shaggy hair. I nodded and he held out his hand. I took his hand and followed him into the huge living room. We then started to dance along to the rhythm of the music.

He pulled me close to him and danced with me. I danced along with him an felt him getting hard. This can not end well.

I heard yelling coming from the kitchen. The person that was yelling came out. I looked at him. He looked so familiar. The person turned to face me and I stopped dancing. It was Vladimir. He was here. I pulled away from the guy I was dancing with. "Where are you going?" I heard him ask as I walked away. I felt butterflies in my stomach. I felt like I was complete for some reason. "Vladimir," I whispered to myself. He must have heard me because he turned to look at me.

I walked up to him and looked at him. He had a look of guilt on his face. I grabbed his hand and lead him out of the house party. "Ally wait," he said and stopped walking. I turned to look at him. "I need to explain everything to you. Let's go to my house and I'll explain everything," he said and lead me to his car. He opened the car door for me and I got in. "Thanks," I said as he closed the door. He walked to the driver's side and got into the car.

We drove towards his house in silence. It was an awkward silence. I can't believe he wad back. He has a lot of explaining to do. He grabbed my hand and I felt bolts of electricity go through my whole body. I want him to kiss me again. I want to feel the same way I felt that day at his pool. He parked the car in his drive way an turned to look at me. He was about to let go of my hand when I pulled him close and kissed him. I felt sparks. He kissed me back slowly. I continued to kiss him and wrapped my arms around his neck. He pulled away from the kiss and kissed my neck. "God Ally I want you so bad right now," he whispered into my ear. I giggled and got out of the car. I hard him groan as he stepped out of his car. I ran towards the front door and waited for Vladimir to come.

He ran up to me and leaned me against the front door. He pressed his lips to mine and I smiled. He picked me up as I wrapped my legs around his waist. He unlocked the door and went inside. He kicked the door closed and went upstairs without letting me go. He kicked his bedroom door open and placed me down. I closed his door and turned to look at him. He picked me up and laid me down on his bed with him on top of me. He kissed me and I kissed him back eagerly wanting more.

Vladimir's P.O.V.

I pulled off my shirt and kissed Ally. I had missed her so much. But, she doesn't know exactly how much I missed her. I kissed her neck and placed my hand on her back. I untied her dress with her help and pulled it off. She was wearing a back lace bra with matching panties. God I'm so hard right now. I kissed her again and felt her hands go down to my zipper. She pulled away from the kiss and looked at me with wide eyes. "Sorry about that," I said and smirked. "It's ok," she said and blushed. She looks so cute when she blushes. She unzipped my pants and I kicked them off.

I planted little kisses all over her bra and left a trail of kissed down her belly. I unhooked her bra and pulled it off. I looked down at her breasts and groaned. I took one of her pink nipples into my mouth and sucked on it. She moaned and arched her back coming closer to me. I slipped my hand in between her legs and rubbed her gently through her panties. She moaned and pulled my boxers down. I was really hard right now. She grabbed a hold of me and looked at me with wide eyes. Ally started to stroke me and I moaned. God I want her so bad right now. I pulled her panties off and threw them to the floor. I kissed her lips and then her neck.

"Vladimir please I can't take anymore teasing. I feel like I'm going to die," Ally said and I smirked. "Ally, are you sure you want this? Are you sure you're ready for this Ally?" I asked her. She nodded. "Alright. I'm going to go slow. It's going to hurt at first, ok?" "Ok," she said. I thrusted into her slowly and held onto her hand.

Ally's P.O.V.

Vladimir thrusted into me slowly and held onto my hand. I let out a whimper and tears filled my eyes. This really hurts. He thrusted again and I whimpered. "Do you want me to stop?" he asked me. "No. I'll be fine," I said as he thrusted again. The pain started to slowly go away and I moaned. I wrapped my legs around his waist pulling him closer and moaned. He pushed himself up off of me slightly lifting my hips off the mattress as he continued to thrust getting faster and harder making me moan like crazy. My moans were so loud I'm surprised Vladimir's parents hadn't heard us. They're probably not home at the moment. "Moan my name Ally," Vlad whispered into my ear thrusting faster. He was going in so deep it felt like I almost could feel him in the back of my throat, it was incredible, this pleasure was almost dizzying.

"Oh god Vladimir," I moaned. He smirked and thrusted harder into me. His eyes went wide as my walls started to tighten around him. He kept thrusting into me faster. "Holy shit Vladimir," I screamed as I tightened my legs around his waist. I arched my back pressing into him as my orgasm ripped through my body. He grunted and his body tensed as he came too.

He slumped down over me trying to keep his weight off of me. I smiled and panted as I tried to get my breath back. God this was incredible. I know this was my first time but it was incredible. It felt so good.

"Ally?" I heard Vladimir say as he got off of me. "Yes?" I asked as I laid on my side to look at him. "How was it? I mean did it hurt a lot?" I shook my head. "Not a lot. But, it did hurt," I said as I rested my head on his chest. "Ok. That's good," he said as he kissed my head. I closed my eyes and fell into an endless sleep.

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