*Chapter 10*

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                   I put on my converse and my sweater. I'm meeting Vladimir at out house in a bit. Well it's not really our house. Vladimir found it when he was running in the woods. We fixed it and made it our house for when we wanted to hang out. 
                  I walked out if my room and went downstairs. I walked into the kitchen and was about to open the door when I heard footsteps. "Ally, where are you going?" I heard Jake ask me. I turned to look at him. "I'm meeting Vladimir at the house I told you about," I said. "Ok, just be careful. Call me when you get there," he said and hugged me. I smiled. "Ok, I will," I said and walked out the back door. 
                  I walked towards the trail near my backyard that lead to the house. I kept walking until I saw the house. I grabbed the key from under the mat and unlocked the door. I closed the door and went into the kitchen. I grabbed a granola bar from the cupboard and ate it. I walked back into the living room and the front door opened.
      "Hey Ally," Vladimir said as he walked in. "Hey Vlad," I said and hugged him. "Ally I really need to talk to you," Vladimir said in a serious tone. "What is it?" I asked worriedly. He looked at me. He seemed in pain. He started to pace back and forth as in thinking about what to say.
                "We can't be friends anymore Ally," Vladimir said as he walked up to me. "What, why?" I asked as tears filled my eyes. "Ally please just understand. We can't be friends anymore," Vladimir said. "No, I won't understand! We're best friends Vlad! You can't just end a friendship just like that!" I yelled at him. "Alison what we feel for each other. What I feel for you. What you feel for me. It's not friendship. It's more than that," he said and looked away.
                What did he mean by it's more than that? "What do you mean?" "It's hard to explain. Just please Ally. I'm sorry," he said and kissed the top of my head. He walked away from me and towards the door. "Vladimir don't you dare walk out that door," I said as tears rolled down my cheeks. He walked out the door and close it. I ran after him. I opened the door and ran outside. I didn't see him. "Vladimir!" I screamed through sobs though no one would hear me. Since the house Vladimir and I would meet at was in the middle of the woods.
               I fell down to my knees and felt a sharp pain in my heart. Vladimir, my best friend, just walked away. Walked away from our friendship. Possibly something more than that.
               I got up from the ground and started to walk back home. Tears rolled down my cheeks. I can't believe he just left. But, why? I opened the door and saw Jake and Emmy sitting at the kitchen table. "Ally, are you ok? What happened?" Jake asked as he got out of his seat and walked towards me. "I'm fine. I just want to be alone, ok?" I said as more tears rolled down my cheeks. "Ok. Just come talk to me when you're ready," he said as I walked past him. I nodded and went up the stairs and into my room. I changed into my pajama shorts and a spaghetti strap shirt. I laid down on my bed and pulled the cover over my body. I feel like my life just ended. I just lost my best friend.

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