*Chapter 4*

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Vladimir's P.O.V.

    I walked up the stairs and into my dad's office. "Hey dad. Can we talk?" I asked as I walked into his office. "Sure son. What's on your mind?" "I found my mate dad. I mean I've known I had found my mate since I was thirteen," I said and sat on the arm chair in front of my father's desk. "Son, how have you been able to survive without your mate? You need to go find her and tell her." "Dad I haven't been apart from my mate at all. Ally is my mate, dad," I said and looked down at my hands. "You need to tell her Vladimir. The more you wait, the more painful it will be to be apart from her." "That's the problem dad. I can't tell her. I mean I don't want to lose her. I'd rather stay friends with her forever than lose her," I said and looked up at my father. "Why do you think you'll lose her?" "What if when I tell her I do something wrong? I don't want to lose her dad. If keeping her as a friend is the solution then, I'll keep it that way," I said and stood up from the arm chair. "Vladimir you need to tell her. She doesn't even know what you are does she?" "No, dad she doesn't." "You have to tell her that she's you're mate and that you're a werewolf. You're next in line to be the Alpha. You'll need your mate by your side in order to become Alpha." "Fine dad. I need to think about how I'm going to tell her first," I said and walked out of my father's office.

Allison's P.O.V.

    I helped Mrs. Perez make dinner. I'm actually a pretty good cook. She made a lot of food though. Maybe they're having friends over. Vladimir then walked into the kitchen. "Hey Ally," he said and sat down on a stool. "Hey," I said and finished washing the pots and pans we had used to make dinner. "Could I talk to you? Privately I mean," he asked. "Um sure," I said and dried off my hands.
  He got up from his seat and walked out of the kitchen. I followed behind him. He led me up the stairs and into his room. He closed the door and I sat down on his bed. "I really don't know how to say this," he said. I looked at him. What did he mean? Was what he was going to tell me really that bad?
    "Do you believe in werewolves?" he asked me. "I believe in wolves. I'm not sure about werewolves," I said and smiled. "What if I were to tell you that I was one?" "You're kidding right?" He didn't answer me. He just went into his closet. I heard shuffling come from the closet. I heard something scratching the closet door and I opened it. A wolf came out from the closet. I looked inside and only saw Vladimir's clothes on the floor. I looked back at the wolf. "Vladimir?" I asked. The wolf started at me.
    His fur's color was dark brown color. I walked up to the wolf and placed my hand on it's head. I got down on my knees and hugged the wolf. I rested my head on its back. His fur was so soft. If this was Vladimir. He was beautiful. I took in his scent. He smelled a lot like the woods. I heard him whimper and I pulled away from him. He went back into the closet and I closed the door slightly.
    I sat down on Vladimir's bed and laid down. So, Vladimir really is a wolf. My best friend is a werewolf. But, why is it that he barely tells me now?
    "Are you ok?" I heard him ask as the closet door opened. "Why are you barely telling me now that you're a wolf?" I asked and sat up. "Because I didn't know how to tell you," he said without looking at me. "Are you sure that's the only reason?" I asked him and I stood up. He walked towards me. I walked back. I hit the wall and he stared at me. "There's another reason. But, you will probably never know it," he said and walked away from me. He walked out of his room. What did he mean? Why will I never know?

Vladimir's P.O.V.

    I looked down at Alison's sleeping form. She had fallen asleep when we were watching a movie. So, I brought her up to my room and am currently sleeping with her.
      She was so beautiful. He pink lips. Her brown curly hair. Her beautiful smile. Her eyes. She was my mate. The love of my life. Though she may never know it. I will probably never fully mate with her. She doesn't know the pain she causes me. I miss her terribly when I'm not around her. I have to tell her. She has the right to know she's my mate. She also has the right to know she will be by my side when I'm Alpha.
    "God Alison. You don't know how much I love you. How much I need you, my love," I whispered as I pulled her closer to me.

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