*Chapter 17*

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                  I walked into the bathroom and through up for the third time today. I've been really sick all week. I felt my stomach hurting badly. "Nick!" I yelled at the verge of tears as I walked out of the bathroom. "What is it?" I heard him ask as I walked into the living room. I sat down on the couch and felt like throwing up again. I tried to hold it in. "Where's Vladimir?" I asked as I held onto my stomach. "He had to leave. The enemy pack was getting close and he needed to chase them away," Nick said sadly. "Take me to the hospital please. I can't take this pain any longer," I said through tears as I ran into the bathroom. I threw up in the toilet. I can't even hold a simple cookie down. It all comes right back up. "Come on. Let's go," I heard James say as he picked me up bridal style.

                   Nick and James had come over to take care of me. My mom had gone out to a business trip so I was alone.

                    I groaned as James sat me down into the backseat of his car. "You look horrible Ally," James said. "Gee thanks," I said and closed my eyes. James got into the driver's seat and Nick got into the passenger's seat. I groaned and looked out the window. "Ally, what do you think is wrong with you?" Nick asked. "The stomach flu maybe?" I said.

                  James parked in the hospital parking lot. He got out of the car and took me out. I was too weak to walk so he carried me. "You're going to be ok," Nick said reassuringly. I gave him a small smile as we walked into the hospital. "Excuse me, my friend is having bad stomach pains and she's been throwing up a lot all week," Nick told the receptionist. She typed something into her computer and stood up. "Right this way," she said and motioned us to follow her. She led us through the maternity section of the hospital. She led us into a room where there was a hospital bed and a machine next to it. I sat down on the bed and hugged my stomach. "The doctor will be right with you," the receptionist said and walked out of the room. "Nick, why did they bring me into the maternity section?" I asked him. "I'm not sure Ally. They just want to check you out. They're probably going to give you an x-ray or something," Nick said. "Don't worry Ally. It's going to be ok," Janes said reassuringly.

                                 I nodded and looked down at my hands. The door opened and the doctor walked in. "Hello everyone. Now Allison you've been having stomach aches and been throwing up all week. Am I right?" the doctor asked. "Yeah. I can't really hold anything down," I said. "Mhmm. Ok, I'm going to give you an ultrasound," the doctor said and turned on the machine. I nodded and laid down on the bed. The doctor lifted my shirt up exposing my belly and put some clear jelly on my tummy. He grabbed the ultrasound handle and rubbed it against my belly. I looked up at the screen and saw nothing only gray blobs.      

                Then, I hear it. I heard a heartbeat. "Just as I thought. Congratulations Alison, you're pregnant. Oh and with twins," the doctor said. I felt tears roll down my cheeks. "I'm pregnant with twins?" I asked through tears. "Yes. You're about give weeks pregnant," the doctor said. "Would you like to make an a appointment for a check up in two months?" I nodded. "Very well then. I'll see you again in two months. You just need to be careful with what you eat. The morning sickness doesn't really last that long. Again congratulations Alison," the doctor said and walked out of the room. I looked over at Nick and James. They were both shocked. "You're pregnant!" Nick shrieked and hugged me. "Yeah, and with twins," I said through happy tears. "Do you know when Vladimir is coming back?" I asked. "He should be coming back in about a week or less," James said. "You need to tell Vladimir as soon as he gets here Ally. He has the right to know he's a dad," Nick said. "Yeah, I know. I'll do just that when he comes home," I said and smiled.


Yeah so um what did you guys think? please dont hate me for getting her pregnant! I'm so sorry i just had to..i love babies ^.^ anyway this is also something big that has to do with the whole story line so yeah..please uinderstand..i love you guys and i'm happy that you are all helping me with this..also i'm thinking about putting this story in the Watty Awards 2012 so if you want to help me please vote and commkent and share!! (I suck at spelling i know lol) so yeah. AGAIN!! THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!! I love you guys!! <3

xoxo CupcakeLover02

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