*Chapter 26*

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                  I knocked on the door and went inside my father's office. He was at his desk looking through a pile of papers. I cleared my throat and he looked up at me. He smiled and said, "Alison good thing you came in. I have a surprise for you. I'm throwing a party for your return. Everyone I know is coming. There's a dress in your closet you must change in for the party tonight." "Wait, dad I need to talk to you," I began to say before he cut me off. "We'll talk tomorrow. You need to get ready for the party. Go on," he said. I sighed and nodded. I walked out of his office and went into my bedroom.
                  I took a quick shower and changed into the dress that was in the closet and did my hair and make up. There was a knock at my door and I opened it. "Hey, are you ready?" Armando asked me. "Yeah I am," I said. "You look beautiful," he said and hugged me. "C'mon we have to go downstairs to the party," he said sadly.
                I felt the baby kick and I winced "Are you ok?" Armando asked me concerned. "Yeah. The babies are just kicking away," I said. He nodded and led me downstairs.
                 The ball room was decorated beautifully. There were bouquets of red roses all over the place. "Will you dance with me?" Armando asked me. I nodded as he led me to the dance floor. We swayed to the rhythm of the music. I felt tears fill my eyes. "Ally, what's wrong?" Armando asked me. "I miss Vladimir. It's not fair that I'm trapped here," I said as I bust into tears. "No, don't cry. I'll help you be reunited with Vladimir. I promise," he said and hugged me. "Thank you," I said and hugged him back.
                 All of a sudden the big doors opened and everyone gasped. I looked up and saw Nick. I then saw Vladimir. "Vladimir!" I yelled. He looked around the room until our eyes met. I smiled and ran towards him. He did the same. He opened his arms and I ran into them. I burst into tears again and hugged Vladimir. "Ally oh my gosh. You're alright," Vladimir gasped and pulled me close. "Vladimir I missed you so much. I love you," I sobbed. "I love you too Ally. Now let's get out of here," Vladimir said. I nodded and followed Vladimir.
                  "Not so fast!" I heard my father yell. I turned around and looked at him. "You're not taking my daughter away from me. Not when I just got her back," he said. "No dad, please. Just let me go," I pleaded as I walked up to him. "No Alison. I just got you back. I'm not letting you go," my father said. I shook my head. "Dad, you never lost me," I said and hugged him. He hugged me back. I pulled away and looked up at him.
                "Vladimir is my mate. I need to be with him. I have a family of my own now daddy. Please understand. I'll get mom to let you see me. I want you to meet my babies. Your grand kids. Just please let me go," I said.
               He nodded. "I understand darling. I understand now. I was being selfish. I was just so desperate to see you that I kidnapped you. I'm glad I saw you again," he said and smiled. "This won't be the last time you see me daddy," I said and smiled. "I know now it won't be Ally," he said and hugged me.

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