1: I Can't Do This

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“Brynlee! Bentley! We’re going to be late!” I yell up to my 5 year old twins. I’m 20 years old with 5 year old twins. Now, before you say what you’re thinking let me explain. I was 15, okay that doesn’t explain anything, I was into drugs and I drank a lot. I had sex with any guy I could get my hands on. That’s when some guy named Adam? Aaron? I don’t know. I just remember his name started with an ‘A.’ Yeah, I know, I know I’ve heard it a million times, I know I was stupid but now I have my beautiful twins that I wouldn’t trade for the world.

Speaking of beautiful twins, I turn around hearing the pitter-patter of their bare feet against the hardwood stairs. Brynlee’s hair pulled into a French braid. They both had light brown hair with blonde streaks. I’m guessing the brown hair is from their father because my whole family is blonde.

“Alright you guys got your scout books?” I ask looking down at them nodding their heads as they tie their shoes. “Then let’s go!” I yell as they run out the door. Having twins at a young age was very difficult. I remember the first night I had them home, I was at my grandmother’s house because my mother died when I was young and my father had been dead 3 years before that so I moved into my grandmother’s house. She was very disappointed when I told her I was pregnant, but she also understood she had my mother at 16 so she said she wasn’t in any position to judge, which I was grateful for. Anywho, I remember the first night they were home. They woke up every 2 hours.

I hear the sound of one baby crying, which causes the other one to start crying. I climb out of bed, looking at the clock on the way 3:40AM. Usually at this time I’d still be up, but ever since these two came around I had to give up that aspect of my life to be a mother. At 15.

“Shhh…” I whisper to both of them as I hold them bouncing slightly. Their screaming increasing the more I rock. Maybe they’re hungry, I decide to try that and set Bentley on the bed who’s crying had settled slightly. I hold Bryn trying to get her to latch on, but of course she won’t. Okay, maybe she isn’t hungry. I carefully set her on the bed next to her baby brother; they look so alike except for their eyes. Brynlee has hazel eyes and Bentley has bright blue eyes like me. Their eyes are the only way to tell them apart, otherwise they are exactly alike.


They stopped crying for about 45 minutes, then they whined and now we’re here. Full blown ear piercing screaming, I don’t know what to do! They won’t nurse, they won’t take a bottle, their diaper doesn’t need changed and I’ve tried rocking them. I finally set the both of them down beside each other on the yellow, green and pink blanket that says “BRYNLEE ALEXIS” on it in cursive then has her birthdate below it. I love this blanket, my grandmother knitted it, and she made another one for Bentley which is yellow, white and blue and says “BENTLEY JAMES” also in cursive. I stare at the two human beings who I’ve created I created them with a man who I don’t know. I feel so stupid; I let him have sex with me I didn’t even know him. Sure, I’ve done it before, but this has obviously never happened before. I let tears fall down my cheeks as they continue crying. I pick up my phone and dial my grandmother’s number. It’s almost 5 in the morning and I know she’ll hate being woken up so early but I need her.

“Hello? Aria? Is everything okay?” She asks worried through the phone.

“Grandma, I don’t know what to do. They just won’t stop crying and I just don’t know what to do. Can you come out here? I’m sorry I just I don’t know how to do this.” I cry into the phone.

“Of course sweetie.” My grandpa made me a little mini house in their back yard. It’s sort of like an apartment. I pay rent and everything. In here a bathroom and kitchenette, along with all the baby stuff and the cribs and bassinets and my bed and all the baby clothes it’s pretty big. My grandmother walks into the room. I’m sitting on the bed my knees pulled into my chest crying uncontrollably.

“I can’t do this, Grandma.” I whisper.


Hey guys! So some of you may know who I am, some of you might not. So I'll do a little overview thing.

So I'm _DatWriterChick, I've been writing for about 2 years now. I've written one fanfic before this titled Behind the Wig it's a One Direction ff. I am a Directioner, Mahomie, Sheerio, 5SOS Fam, 5er, Brat and whatever Union J people are called haha. I'm sure there are more I can't think of, but oh well. Favorite color is green, my current favorite fanfictions are the After series and Try Not To Fall In Love With Any of The Boys, super long title haha. I love reading and errmm.. I'm not sure what else to tell you Ohh random fact, I hate dressing up, but I have a need to do my hair and makeup every day no matter what, and I'm a phone case addict.

QOTD (Question Of The Day)

Do you like Five Seconds of Summer? If so, what is your favorite song by them?

Mine is Wherever You Are:)

Aria on the side ---->

Tumblr: datwriterchick101.tumblr.com

Kik: summerlynn1333

Instagram: summerlynn2136

Email: datwriterchick@gmail.com

I love you my Pretzels and I hope you keep reading!:)

xx _DatWriterChick xx

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