16: Rumors Don't Stop

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“Ella, I made breakfast!” I say knocking on her door, she doesn’t respond, “Ella!” I yell a little louder.

“Hmm?” She says from the other side of the door, I open it a tiny bit

“I made breakfast, come on down, we’ll be leaving a bit after breakfast,” I say, she mumbles an okay and I head downstairs where the twins are already sitting at the table, Ashton leaning up against the counter on his phone.

“Did you wake them?” I ask him, he nods. It’s obviously too early for him to be up. I, on the other hand, am used to being up this early. I grab a few plates and fill them with food setting them on the table just in time for Ella to walk in, her curly hair in a messy bun that’s falling out, wearing a pair of my sleep shorts and tank top.

“Morning,” I smile, she mumbles a good morning. Nobody is a morning person around here.


“Okay, so we’ll head to the doctor’s office and find out when we can get you in for an appointment, then head to the store and pick up random necessities, and last but not least clothes!” I say driving down the road that I hadn’t been on in years, the road to Dr. Swanson, my pregnancy doctor. She’s the best in the town so I immediately went to her when I found out; well my grandmother took me there.

I pull into the parking lot and park the car in front of the front door; we climb out of the car and open up the door, the little bell on the top ringing as we step inside. The walls still painted a baby green as I remember them, chairs all around the room, a couple small coffee tables with various pregnancy magazines.

“Hello, how may I help you?” The woman behind the desk asks us as we step up to the counter.

“Hi, she would like to set up a doctor appointment with Dr. Swanson if possible,” I say

“Our next available time is Monday at 3:15, is that okay?”

“Yes, is there any way to get prenatal vitamins now?”

“No, Dr. Swanson will have to check to make sure she is pregnant before she gives her the vitamin,” I nod, “How old is she?” She asks

“14, but it’s none of your concern, ma’am,” I say turning around and exiting the building typing in the appointment on my phone. We’re confronted by bright flashing lights of the paparazzi

“Aria! Did Ashton get you pregnant again?”

“Why are you here?”

“Who is that?”

“Is she pregnant?!”


So many questions and statements filling my ears, I want to yell the answers to them, but I know it will just cause problems.

“Just get in the car, and don’t talk to them,” I tell her she mumbles an okay and we quickly get into the car.

“Why are you so quiet today?” I ask her starting the car.

“I don’t know, I guess I feel bad, I feel like I’m taking advantage of you guys,” She admits

“You aren’t taking advantage of us, we offered you a place to stay, its fine, promise,” I say smiling and pulling out of their parking lot and driving to the baby supply store that was just around the corner.

“What do we need here?” She asks stepping out of the car.

“A baby dresser, basinet, changing table, ya know, the usual,”

“Oh, okay,” She says as we walk into the store.

“Okay, first thing, baby dresser,”


“Ashton, can you go get the heavy stuff?” I ask him carrying a bunch of bags to Ella’s room. I set down the bags on her bed just as Ashton carries in the changing table.

“How much did you buy?” Ashton asks sliding the box over to the wall.

“We got a changing table, bassinet, baby dresser and then like bottles, binkies and a few outfits. It really wasn’t much and she kept insisting on buying cheaper stuff. It wasn’t much, Ash, I swear,”

“Alright, I’m gonna go get the other stuff,” He says running a hand through his hair walking out of the room

“You spent too much on me, Aria, you didn’t have to. I feel so bad, we can just take all this back, I don’t need it yet,” Ella says walking in the room, dropping bags on the bed.

“But you will need it eventually, and why not get it now? It’s fine, and if it’s about what Ashton said, it’s just because he’s surprised.” I tell her she nods and starts hanging up some clothes.

“Do you want to put the changing table together?” I ask El and she nods eagerly, we unpack all the different pieces and about an hour later we have a changing table. It was espresso colored with two shelves below and the top where you change the baby.

“It’s so cute!” Ella squeals clapping and smiling, “Thank you so much, Aria, its perfect!” she smiles and wraps her arms around me, I hug her back smiling.

“I’m hungry!” I say and Ella nods, “What do you want to eat?” I ask her and she shrugs.

“Ashton!” I yell walking down the stairs

“There was no reason to yell,” he says from the couch not too far away, the kids running around the couch.

“Sorry, babe, what do you want to eat, though?”

“Ummm…spaghetti,” He says excitedly, Ella and I walk into the kitchen and grab the noodles and start boiling them while Ella is making garlic bread.

“Um, Aria?” Ashton says from the living room


“You might want to come see this,” Ashton says, Ella looks at me with a questioning look on her face; I shrug and walk out to the living room. Ashton presses the play button on the TV, a picture of Ella and I earlier pop up

“Sources say that Aria Simone, Ashton Irwin’s girlfriend, is pregnant again. Simone and a younger girl were seen going to Swanson’s Pregnancy and Baby’s Crib earlier today. Is Simone pregnant with Irwin’s baby yet again?”



Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter!

I seriously loved writing this chapter I absolutely love baby stuff, its all so cute! Ahh! Anyway, I don't have anything new to say...and no QOTD because its a double update...so yeah...hmm

Enjoy sexy Calum on the side----->

Dedicated to NothingElseInside just cause:)

Vote/Comment/Fan if you love me ;)


xx _DatWriterChick xx

Finding Daddy [Book 1; Daddy Series]Where stories live. Discover now