26: Apologizes

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“You ready, Luke?” I ask him, grabbing my keys off the counter.

“Are you coming back, Aria?” Michael asks me walking up next to me.

“I wasn’t exactly planning on it,” I say shrugging, taking a drink from my water bottle.

“Aww!” He whines giving me a pouty face, I laugh at him and Luke walks up next to him.

“Ready, Luke?” I ask him and he nods

“Come back, Aria, you guys can just hang out here. Luke and Ella can have their little Lulla time and you can hang out with us,” he smiles at me and I smile back nodding

“Alright, I’ll come back,” I say then walk into the living room, “Ashton, I’m leaving the twins here, you can watch them,” he nods, and Luke and I walk out the door.

“What’s up with you and Ash?” Luke asks as we get in the car, I shrug. I don’t know if I should tell him about this or not. I sigh and decide on telling him.

“We got in a fight,” I state simply, pulling out of their driveway. Hopefully Luke will just let it go, but nope, of course not.

“What was the fight about?” He pushes

“Luke, I’d really rather not talk about it,” I say focusing on the road, trying not to tell him, tell anybody. I’ve only told Ella, and it took a while for her to get it out of me.

“Aria, I know how you feel and everything, but I’ve known Ash longer than you I could help you out on this,” I sigh, realizing he’s right and nod.

“He’s been so…grabby lately, not even just lately, he’s always been like this I guess, but it hasn’t bothered me until the other night,”

“What do you mean grabby? What happened the other night?”

“He was acting really weird, so in order to get his attention I straddled him kissing him and everything, he tried getting me to stop, but I didn’t, and he grabbed my waist so hard it left bruises. He’s done this before and I don’t know why he keeps doing this. It’s not only that though, he’s so over protective of Ella, and me, but when he beat you up because you kissed Ella. That pushed it too far; I was dealing with it just fine until that happened. I don’t know what to do, Luke,” I sigh tapping my fingers against the steering wheel as we pull to a stop.

“A candle isn’t a candle until it’s lit, a guitar isn’t a guitar unless it’s played, and love isn’t love until it’s shown, has he shown you he loves you?”

“Yeah? I mean, I guess he has, I don’t know, I honestly don’t,” I whisper blinking away the tears that are trying to re-surface themselves again.

“He’s pissed, he really is. Last night he came home at 2 in the morning, Cal and I stayed up playing video games when he stumbled in, slurring shit. He kept talking about how he missed you, but was pissed,”

“He was drunk?” I ask, for the first time looking over at Luke, Luke slowly nods at me.

“He used to drink a lot, Aria; he drank so much before he met you. He’s not exactly a happy drunk either; he’s punched us a few times, a couple holes in the wall, a few broken frames. He’s always been like this, and nobody has been able to talk to him reasonably since you came along. You’re the only person he cares about; he just doesn’t know how to show it to you. He loves you though, Aria, he really does,”


“Alright, it’s getting late, we ought to go,” I say standing up from the couch.

“Mooomm, I don’t want to goo!” Brynlee whines from Calum’s lap. They had become best friends since I came back. Apparently they spent the whole time me and Luke were gone together.

“I’m sorry, baby, we got to go,” I say sadly.

“They can stay here,” Ashton says from behind me.

“Yeah, Mommy, can we stay?” Bentley asks from beside me. I sigh and turn around to face Ashton, grabbing his forearm and walking in the kitchen.

“Listen, if they stay the night, you are not drinking whatsoever,” he gives me a surprised look, “Yes, I know about you drinking and I’m not happy about it at all.”

“I knew you’d say this, honestly, I should’ve seen it coming. I’d never drink around the kids, I swear, a beer? Maybe, not liquor,”

“I don’t trust that,” I say, I walk over to the fridge, grabbing the case of beer and start walking out the door.

“Ella!” I yell to her down the hall, “Time to go!” I yell again, I see the door fly open, Luke pushing Ella against the wall across the hall, kissing her roughly. “Dear, God! You have your own spit, stop swapping it!” I yell Luke pulls back, pecking her lips once more and walks down the hall.

“Bye, babies,” I say giving both the twins hugs, “I love you, tell Ashton to call if you want to come home, okay?” The nod and I give them both a tight hug and a kiss before letting them run back to Calum and Michael.

“Bye, Ari,” Ashton says walking towards me, opening his arms. I stick my hand out, pushing against his chest.

“Don’t,” I warn, “Goodbye, Ashton,” I pick up the case of beer and start walking down the other hall to the door. I hear Ashton behind me, he grabs my wrist turning me around, he pushes me up against the wall, and tries to kiss me.

“Ashton, stop,” I say pushing against him; he continues to assault my mouth with his own.

“ASHTON! Get the hell off of me!” I yell I see Michael out of the corner of my eye; he pulls Ashton off of me.

“You dick!” I yell, I slap him and walk into the living room

“I’m sorry, Cal, I’m taking them. They can come hang out with you guys when Ashton isn’t around, I’m sorry,” I apologize, I take a kicking Brynlee from his lap, giving him a quick hug then grab a crying Bentley from beside him, “Thank you,” I say quickly walking to the door

“C’mon, El,” I say and walk towards the door,

“I’m sorry, Aria,” Michael says, I nod in response and quickly walk out of their house, tears falling from my eyes as I buckle the twins in. It’s too dark for them to see me crying, but they know I am. Ella climbs in the passenger seat and I climb in the driver’s seat, hitting the steering wheel, mumbling curse words under my breath.

“Mommy?” Brynlee asks from the backseat,

“Yeah, baby?”

“Is Ashton gonna leave us like the other boys?”


Hey, guys! I hope you liked this chapter!

So, I have important news..and sorta sad news...on Tuesday, the 7th, I'm starting softball practices. They'll be Tuesday and Thursday, so I won't be able to update quite as much but I promise you guys, I WILL NOT stop writing I swear to God.

Okay, on a less serious note; Copercurlz and I started a joint account; @_PissyMusic I swear it has a backstory to it, don't question it lol. We'll be posting a story soon, don't know when exactly, but we'll try to get it up soon.

Comment what you think of this chapter, just let me know:) Feedback is appreciated! Guys, we're about 200 reads away from 2,000 reads!! One comment away from 100 comments and 10 votes away from 100 Votes! Guys, this fanfic has come SO FAR and I thank every single one of you! I love you all!


Dedicated to @RoyalPayne_x because I was going through my news feed and I saw her name and I thought it was hilarious and I laughed for like 297924297239874 days. I kid you not.

Vote Comment and Follow because I love positive feedback!! :)


xx _DatWriterChick xx

Finding Daddy [Book 1; Daddy Series]Where stories live. Discover now