25: Visiting

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I roll over in bed, Ashton’s warmth nowhere to be found. I hate that we’re fighting, or whatever is happening, I hate that I can’t tell the kids about it because they’ll think he left, just like the others. He’s just like the others. I told Ella what happened and we talked for a while, but I can’t tell Brynlee and Bentley, they just won’t understand that he’s going to come back eventually. At least, I hope he will.

I feel my eyes burn with tears trying to return, I deny them, blinking them away and walk into the bathroom. I flick on the light, not seeing myself. I see a girl who looks sad, someone who had full faith in someone who threw it all away. Wait, that is who I am, that’s me, I care too much and get hurt in the end. I shouldn’t have trusted him; I knew he was going to be just like the rest, I knew it and I let him hurt me anyway. I sigh wiping off the makeup that had littered my face and put on light makeup, knowing I’ll probably cry again today.

I walk past Ella’s room, knocking then opening the door, not seeing her in there. She must already be up, I walk downstairs to start breakfast, but see a plate with pancakes, eggs and sausage and a note next to it.

Aria, I know you had a rough night so I made this breakfast. I went over to Luke’s early because I miss him, Calum said he’ll give me a ride; I’ll call you at lunch see you later

Love, El xx

I smile at the note and begin to eat breakfast. I need to do some work, and the kids don’t need to be up for a while, why not? I walk into my office, picking out a notebook and begin reading it.

About an hour and a half later, I’m interrupted by a phone call. I pick it up, not paying attention to who was calling.


“Hey, Aria,” Michael’s voice sounds through the speaker

“Hey, Mikey,” I smile, setting down the pen and highlighter and walk out of my office, to the kitchen.

“You want to come hang out with us?”

“I have the twins though,” I sigh grabbing a beer bottle out of the fridge. I hardly ever drink, but I’m stressed and I need a beer so whatever.

“Bring them over,”

“I’ll see you soon,” I say chugging the rest of the beer knowing that it’s not enough to get me even buzzed; I decide it’s okay to drive over to their house. I walk up the stairs and into the twin’s room waking them up.


“Ariiaaa!” Luke cheers as he opens the door.

“Hey, can you take Bentley?” I ask. They had fallen asleep on the way here, and I had to carry them up the stairs. Luke nods, awkwardly grabbing him and holding him.

“Where can they lie down at?” Luke mumbles something and I decide to just follow him. We walk down the same hallway that Ashton and I walked down when he moved in. Luke opens the door and gasps, he tries to block the door way, but I sidestep him, in between him and the door and see what had surprised him. Ashton lies on the bed, shirtless with a girl lying on the floor next to the bed. I gulp down another set of tears and put Brynlee down next to him. Grabbing Bentley from Luke and setting him on the other side of Ashton. I shut the door loudly and walk down the hall, praying that he woke up from all the commotion.

“Michael! Why wouldn’t you tell me he’s here?” I ask him, he pulls his gaze from the telly, turning to look at me.

“Didn’t know he was here,” he shrugs, looking back at the telly. I sigh sitting down in between him and Luke. I lift my legs up and put them on Michael’s lap and lean into Luke.

“When does Ella get out of school?” Luke asks me poking my head

“Um, about 3:20, why?” I look at the clock, it’s only 11:40, Ella will probably be calling soon.

“Could I go with you when you get her?” He asks and I nod, I see him smile out of the corner of my eye.


“What the hell?” I hear someone mumble coming down the hallway, I turn to look, Ashton with the twins not far behind him

“Aria? What the hell are you here for?” He asks rudely

“Michael invited me over, and I came, but shouldn’t you be in there with your screwing buddy?” I ask harshly, turning back to the telly

“Screwing buddy?” I look in the mirror behind the telly, his head cocked, a confused look etched on his face.

“Yeah, she was on your floor, what got so drunk you didn’t know she was there?” I stand up and walk into the kitchen to get the kids some water; they always want water after they wake up. I turn to grab a glass and hear Ashton walk in.

“That’s my damn sister, Aria!” He says I turn around looking at him in shock.

“Ashton, I’m sorry I didn’t know,”

“I don’t care how pissed I am, I would never, in a million years cheat on you, Aria, you have to believe that,”

“I don’t know what to believe anymore, Ashton,” I turn on the sink and fill up a glass handing it to Brynlee then filling up Bentley’s and handing it to him. They mumble a tired ‘thank you’ and walk out of the kitchen

“Believe me, Aria, I’m not going to forgive you, or apologize, I’m not asking for that. I’m asking for you to believe me,”

“Forgive me? You should be apologizing not me, God, Ashton,” I stare at him in disbelief, he honestly thinks I should be apologize, “You’re just like the rest,” I say under my breath and walk past him, he grabs my wrist, just like he always has. This time, he grips it lightly, not digging his fingers into my wrist as he always has, just pulling me to a stop.

“I’m just like the rest?” I look into his eyes, hurt flashing across his face. He doesn’t realize what he’s done, he just left, and he didn’t even try working it out, just gave up. I start melting into his yes, but I can’t give up this early. Instead of kissing him, forgiving him like I wanted to, I pull my arm away from his grasp.

“Yes, you are,” I look into his eyes, “The only difference, is that I wasn’t expecting it this time,”


Hey guys! I hope you liked that chapter! Ashia won't be getting together for a while...maybe:) Hehe Only 5 more chapters until Princess Ella will be out! :O idk about you guys, but I am STOKEDDD! Whoop!

 How was yawls New Year's Eve? Mine was great! Alright, might be double updating tonight since I didn't update yesterday...idk I'll see:) 



xx _DatWriterChick xx

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