10: The Answer

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Read the authors note, important news!

“Ashton...” I start; he looks down at his lap and shakes his head.

“I knew I shouldn’t have asked so soon...” He says shaking his head again, I reach across the table and grab his hand.

“Ashton, it’s not that, I do want to be in a relationship with you, but so much has happened in the past two days, so much change. I just don’t want to be rushing into this, and I don’t want you to feel obligated to stay with me in the future because we have kids connecting us.” I explain, he looks up at me and holds my hand.

“I would never feel obligated to staying with you, because I’d never want to leave.” He looks into my eyes.

“Can we talk about this when we aren’t in public?” I ask and he nods, not letting go of my hand. We finish our meal, hands still connected and walk outside, both the kids in between us. The paparazzi’s camera lights attack us again. I lean over and grab Bentley and carry him, as Ashton does the same to Brynlee. Bentley lays his head in the crook of my neck.

“Mommy, why are they taking pictures?” He asks nuzzling closer to me, if even possible.

“I’ll tell you and sissy in the car, baby.” I say back. I quickly buckle him into the car and climb up front with Ashton.

“Mommy, why were they taking pictures?” Bentley asks again.

“Ashton is famous; he’s in a band, so these people take pictures of him, because people like him.” I tell them.

“Do you like him?” Brynlee asks.

“Of course I like him.” I say facing Ashton, his eyes stay glued to the road, but I see a slight smile playing on his lips.


We pull into the driveway and I glance to the backseat, the kids were oddly quiet, which made the whole car ride quiet. Ashton wasn’t talking to me for some stranger reason.

“Do you want to grab Brynlee, and I’ll grab Bentley?” I ask Ashton, which I just get a simple nod in reply. I open the back door and un-buckle Bentley, trying not to wake him up. I grab his limp body from the car seat, bumping the door with my hip to shut it then walking up to the door, I transfer him to one hip while digging in my purse to find my keys, then unlocking the door, and carrying the still sleeping boy up the stairs, to be tucked in.


It’s been about a half hour since we’ve gotten home, and neither Ashton nor I have uttered a word to each other.

“Okay, we need to talk.” I finally say breaking the long silence between us.

“What is there to talk about? You don’t want to be with me, end of story.” He replies coldly

“That’s not what I said, I said we’d talk about it when we were home, and we’re home now.”

“Then, tell me.” He says, looking at me for the first time since dinner.

“I’ve had too many guys walk into the kids life, then walk out, and I can’t let that happen to them again.”

“I’m their father, I will be in their life either way, and I won’t let you take away my rights to see my children, even if I didn’t know they existed until a couple days ago.”

“I know you won’t walk out on them, I’m worried about you walking out on me. I’m worried-hell, I’m scared, Ashton, I’m scared that you’ll walk out and only come back for your kids, I’m scared you won’t want anything to do with me and I’m only a baby mama to you. I’m scared you’ll leave me for the rest, you’re famous, Ash, you could have any girl you wanted and you wouldn’t choose me. I’m terrified that you’ll just leave.” I finish, looking down at my hands in my lap. I hear Ashton stand from the couch, I close my eyes, feeling two large hands on my knees. I open them, looking at Ashton kneeled in front of me, looking up at me, his eyes begging me to look into them.

“Aria, please trust me when I say, I care for you and the kids, and I would never want to walk out on you. To me, you aren’t just a baby mama, you are more than that, you’re the girl who took care of my kids while I was a dumbass, and you’re the girl who took care of the kids that I should’ve been taking care of. You’re the girl I want to take care of. You are perfect in every way, and I wouldn’t trade you for anything in the world, I can have any girl I want, but I don’t want any of those girls, I want you. All of you, please, give me a chance, Aria; give me a chance to prove that you’re all I want.”

“Okay, Ashton.” I whisper, looking up at him.

“Really?” He says and I nod. I grab the collar of his shirt pulling him toward me, I lean back into the chair, his hands moving from my knees to my waist and he leans his body into mine slightly. His forehead rests against mine as I stare into his eyes still holding onto him by his collar.

“You’re all I want.” I whisper closing my eyes

“You’re all I want.” He whispers back, his lips brush against me, and I pull him into me. Our lips move in sync, my hands move from his collar to his hair, running my hands through his brown hair, he grabs my waist tighter, lifting me up, switching our positions.

My legs on either side of him, him underneath me, our lips not separating, time had slowed down, and all that mattered was he and I. Everything else faded away, and I lived in the moment. It was like an angel from heaven took the remote on life and hit pause on everything but us. I pulled his hair slightly making him groan, his tongue brushed against my bottom lip and I opened my mouth for him.

“Mommy?” I hear a sweet voice say from the stairs making me pull back, I turn to the stairs, and Brynlee stood there holding her old raggedy stuffed bear.

“Hey, what’s up, baby?” I ask standing up from Ashton lap.

“I had a bad dream, what were you and Ashton doing?” She asks and I glance down to Ashton, hoping he’ll save me.

“We were just, erm, playing a game!” Ashton says

“What kind of game?” Brynlee asks.

“It’s a game where you see who can hold their breath longest while the other person tickles them.” Ashton quickly answers, luckily, the lighting in the room wasn’t very good because we didn’t turn on many lights, so Brynlee bought it.

“Go ahead back up to bed, Bryn.” I smile at her, she nods and turns and goes back up the stairs.

“Good save.” I say winking at Ashton he shakes his head.

“So, Aria?” Ashton starts, standing up and grabbing my hips slowly leaning into me. His forehead rests against mine, “Will you be my girlfriend?”

“I’d be my pleasure.”


Hey guys! Haven't talked in a while, I'm terribly sorry about that. I've been busy with advertising my editing thing I'm starting, and I've came up with a few more story ideas, so I've been working on covers for those and plots and characters and everything, it's just been crazy.

So, speaking of editing. I don't know how many of my readers also write, but if you are in need of an editor I'm open PM me for details! I'd love to help:)

Also, new story ideas, I have an official schedule for fanfics so here it is;

Nov/Dec; Finding Daddy; Taking Off the Wig

Jan/Feb; The Dreamer; The Memory Book

Mar/April; Hawaiian Love; Learning to Live

So, if you didn't catch that, Taking Off the Wig, is the sequel to Behind the Wig! Woohoo! I hope I do it justice...

That's all I really have to tell y'all...So erm, look out for the new books that will be coming out pretty soon just for viewing purposes, they will be ON HOLD until the month they begin.


Will you be reading Taking Off the Wig?

Side picture is the cover for TOTW, but it's been squished so it kinda looks funny...I'm not sure why


xx _DatWriterChick xx

Finding Daddy [Book 1; Daddy Series]Where stories live. Discover now