20: I Care!

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“Well, erm, yeah…” Ella stutters nervously, I shoo Luke away with my hand and he follows my command, walking away in a dazed state. Probably surprised by what he just found out.

“C’mon, we gotta tell them now,” Ashton says holding my hand, trying to comfort me. Why is he comforting me you ask? I have no idea, absolutely no clue.

“Pause the movie,” Ashton says to Michael, he groans and reluctantly pauses the apparently very entertaining movie.

“So, Ella has something to tell you guys,” I say and Ella looks up at me, the same way she did when we told Ashton. I shake my head, she has to learn to do this on her own, she’s gotta put on her big girl panties and figure it out.

“Well, erm, I don’t know how to say this, but IwasrapedandI’mpregnant,” she says really fast, I sigh and give her an ‘Are-You-Kidding-Me’ and she sighs and says it again, slower.

“Seriously?” Calum asks looking up at her in surprise, and she nods her head, “wow,”

She sits down and tells them the whole story, even parts she didn’t tell me.

“And your mom didn’t let you explain?” Luke asks from beside her.

“Not even a part of it,” she says sighing. Luke scoots closer to her on the couch and rubs her back awkwardly. I look over at him, trying to catch is eye. Once his eyes meet mine I give him a slight wink and he smiles at me. Ashton wraps his arms around me from behind, resting his chin on my shoulder and kissing my neck.

“Ash, stop,” I half say half moan as he finds my sweet spot.

“Stop this?” He asks sucking harder I try to move out of his arms but he just grips tighter, his lips release my neck and I let out the breath I was holding to keep my moans in.

“We have to tell them about Bryn and Bentley,” he whispers into my ear, his hot breath making me shiver

“When should we do it?” I ask him glancing around the room; Ella and Luke were having a little moment, while Mikey and Calum were watching the movie that was just about to end.

“Ella and Luke look so cute,” I say to Ashton, waiting for him to answer my question.

“Yeah they do, and let’s tell them tomorrow, it’s getting late,” He says and I lean my head back onto his shoulder, yawning.

“You tired, babe?” He asks and I nod, “let’s go to bed,” he says and I nod sleepily agreeing.

“We’re off to bed; you guys can just stay here tonight. Luke, Ella, in separate rooms.” I say smiling at them and Calum and Michael laugh while the two Love Birds blush as red as a tomato.

“So, wait can I be in the same room as her?” Calum asks and Michael slaps him

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