24: Goodbye

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I groan rolling over in bed, hearing the laughs and squeals of Ella through the vent awaking me, yet again. Ashton has magically slept through it, I, on the other hand, have been waking up constantly from it. I step out of bed, the only noise that can be heard are my footsteps through the empty house. I walk down the stairs, glancing at the clock near the telly on the way, 2:36AM. I told Ella an hour, bitch. I walk down the carpeted stairs to the lower level I see, Ella straddling Luke, kissing furiously.

“My god, Ella, get off of him,” I say they Ella crawls off of him cautiously and look at me wide eyed

“I said one hour, it’s two in the morning, Ella, and you have to get up in like 5 hours. Ella get upstairs, Luke you can stay the night. Down here.” I say turning and walking up the stairs, I hear Ella walking behind me and I silently thank the heavens that she didn’t start tongue wrestling with Luke again.

“Go to bed, Ella, you have to wake up soon,” I tell her and give her a quick hug before we go our separate ways.


“Ella! Get out of bed!” I say for the fifteenth time this morning.

“Aria…I’m tireedd!” she groans rolling over. I chuckle lightly; she should’ve listened to me last night.

“I don’t care; you have to go to school. I got clothes out for you and coffee downstairs. You need to get up, El,” I say and she nods getting out of bed zombie-like. I could wake the twins up now, right? Sure, why not?

“Bryn, c’mon, babe, time to wake up,” I say shaking her good arm lightly.

“Mommy?” she asks and I smile brightly at her as she opens her eyes

“Hey, baby, you want to go eat?” I ask her and she nods sleepily. I pick her up and she snuggles into my shoulder. I shift her over to my hip and squat by Bentley’s bed.

“Hey, bud, time to wake up,” I say petting the top of his head, “C’mon babe,” I say shaking him lightly. Gosh, he’s just like his father, most difficult person to wake up. “Bentley, c’mon,” I shake him a little harder and his eyes open up.

“I want to sleep,” he whines and I laugh lightly, yup, totally his father’s kid.

“You want to go eat?” he nods sleepily and I pick him up as well, resting him on my other hip. I carefully walk out of their room and down the stairs, setting them on the couch and turning on a random cartoon before walking in the kitchen starting breakfast.

I’m almost halfway done with making the French toast, eggs and bacon when Ella walks in wearing the outfit I set out, pink UGGs, brown leggings a white sweater and brown scarf.

“You look cute,” I saw winking at her, turning around and putting eggs on a plate, sliding it over to her. She sits on the stool and begins eating, ignoring my comment

“You have an appointment today after school,” I say setting the kid’s plates on the table.

“Okay, I’m going to go tell Luke that breakfast is ready,” she says walking down the stairs to the basement.

---After Ella’s appointment---

“Aria?” Ella says as we climb into the car, pulling out of Dr. Swanson’s doctor’s office.


“What was the hardest part of being a single mother?” She asks seeming nervous about asking me. I pull out onto the main road.

“Learning to do it all my own. I didn’t have anyone to help me, I just had to figure it out, especially with twins, when one cried, the other one cried. People make having twins seem like such a happy thing when in reality, it was terrible, not to mention I was 15 too.” I say sighing stopping at a stop light.

“Didn’t you have your grandmother though?” She mentions and I nod slightly

“Yeah, but I don’t like having help very often, so asking her to hold one of them was very rare for me, much less asking her for help about anything else,”

The rest of the car ride was spent in silence, until we pulled into the drive way she thanked me and we walked inside. I sit down next to Ashton on the couch while Ella goes upstairs to her room, probably texting Luke.

“What are you watching?” I ask him and he shrugs. He’s been acting really weird lately and I want to ask him, but don’t want to start a fight.

“What’s wrong with you? You’ve been acting so weird lately,” I say and he shrugs again. I decide to get his attention, climbing on his lap just as I did the last time I needed to get attention. I kiss his neck, just below his ear, and down his neck trying to find his sweet spot

“Stop.” He says slightly angry, I wrap my arms around his neck, sucking harder on his neck

“Stop,” he says harsher this time, he grips my waist with both hands on my waist, griping tightly. I pull back and grab his forearms trying to push them away

“Ashton, let go!” I yell at him, his tight grip remains on my waist as I try to wriggle out of it, making his grip tighter.

“Ashton it hurts!” He lets go of my hips, I climb off of him standing up.

“You’re such a dick,” I mutter under my breath, pulling up my shirt slightly seeing a red mark that will soon bruise

“What did you call me?” He stands up, his height towering over mine.  I step back taking in his angered face, and stiff posture

“I called you a dick; you act like a dick all the time!” I yell, praying that the kids can’t hear me

“I’m a dick? Wow, shallow, Aria, didn’t think you’d sink that low,” he scoffs staring at me

“You grabbed my wrist just the other day, you didn’t even notice! I’ve been wearing this bracelet to cover up the bruise you left!” I yell pulling the diamond bracelet back revealing a bluish purple bruise, left behind by Ashton’s anger.

“You deserved it, you’re a spoiled bitch,” he says, his voice sounding calm while his face shows otherwise. He’s angry and he knows I know.

“I’m spoiled? Wow, yeah, I’m so spoiled,” I say sarcastically, scoffing

“You have no idea,”

“You need to stop,” I say quietly and he looks back at me, angry once again.

“Stop what?”

“Stop grabbing me, stop being so overly protective over me and Ella, stop beating Luke, all of it! It all needs to stop, you’re way too aggressive!” I yell at him, his eyes become wide staring at me as if to tell me to stop before things go wrong.

“You want me to stop trying to protect you? Fine! Done!” He yells at me then turns around walking towards the door, “If this is what you wanted, I’m leaving! Goodbye, Aria,”


And Ashton has left the building! Haha...too soon? Okay, anywho I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

Ashton has left, Aria finally stood up for herself!

What do you think about this? Put your opinions below!

I hope waiting for this chapter was worth it, this is gonna be short, cause I gotta go make smoothies lol.

Enjoy emptiness on the side cause I gotta go---->

Dedicated to @HannahEzratty8 just cause



xx _DatWriterChick xx

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