Thirty Seven

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Brinley's POV

Today's the day of the MSG show and I'm so excited!

It's hard to believe that I lost my memory, and even harder to believe that I forgot who Shawn was.

I cant wait to see the look on his face, and to hug him again.


The show starts in 2 hours, and we're already at the venue waiting.

They reserved a room for us that Shawn won't come into so that he will be completely surprised.

Andrew is in on the whole thing, and gave me a copy of Shawn's new song from his album called 'Mercy.'

My plan is to walk onstage and start singing with him, so I need to know one of the songs. His setlist doesn't have any of his old songs on it, which makes sense since this is an album release show. So I stayed up all night learning this song, and I am in love with it. I can't wait to perform it with him.



I quickly got dressed into my outfit and did my hair and makeup.

Shawn has already sang a few of his other songs, and mercy is next. I'm extremely nervous to be on stage again and to see his reaction, but I'm mostly excited.

I waited side stage where Shawn couldn't see me, and then when I got the cue, I walked on and sang from.. "Please have mercy on me, take it easy on my heart. I know you don't mean to hurt me, but you keep tearing me apart."

As soon as Shawn saw me, his mouth dropped and he literally almost fell over.

I continued singing, and walking closer to him. His eyes were already glossy, and he looked like he was in disbelief.

As soon as I got to him, I wrapped my arms around him tightly.

"I got my memory back" I whispered and attached my lips to his.

The crowd went absolutely crazy. 

"I'm speechless. I-I'm, I don't know. I'm just so happy. I love you so much. I love you I love you I love you." He continuously repeated, which warmed my heart.

"I love you so much baby, never forget that" I winked and he laughed.

"Oh I wont" he pushed his lips into mine again.

We both realized that we completely stopped singing the song, and just stood there talking to each other.

"Sorry guys, we have a little story to tell you." Shawn put his hand up, cueing the DJ to stop the music.

Once he did, Shawn started telling the story.

"Ok so about a month ago, Brinley got in an accident and lost her memory."

The crowd freaked out a bit, sounding like they are in shock. I don't blame them since they didn't know about this.

"She didn't remember anything that happened within the past year, including me."

The fans awe'd, and Shawn and I both laughed.

"A couple days ago I got my memory back. It took my family a lot of explaining since I was so confused, but now I know what happened."

Shawn smiled at me, holding onto my hand tightly.

"All I have to say is, I can't picture my life without Shawn. A world without him would be dark and lonely, and I couldn't live like that."

As the crowd screamed, Shawn added "I was scared to death that I'd have to live without you. You didn't remember falling in love with me, and it was like you were in a different world. A world that didn't involve me."

I turned away from the crowd, and looked right at Shawn.

"Shawn.. I didn't fall in love with you. I walked into love with you, with my eyes wide open, choosing to take every step of the way. I do believe in fate and destiny, but I also believe that we are only fated to do the things that we'd choose anyway. And I'd choose you, in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality, I'd find you, and I'd choose you."

Shawn was in tears, and so was I.

"Brinley.. I wasn't going to do it here but I think this is the perfect time."

I watched him reach into his back pocket, and get down on one knee.

My whole body froze and I couldn't stop crying.

"Brinley Sanders, will you please marry me?" He held up a beautiful ring, and I swear I have never heard a louder crowd in my life.

I covered my mouth with my right hand, while he held my left.

I nodded, and even though I could barely speak from crying so much, I managed to say "of course."

He slipped the ring on my finger, stood back up on both feet and pushed our lips together.

"I am so in love with you, Shawn Mendes." I whisper, staring into his eyes.

"And I am so in love with you, Brinley Mendes."

I couldn't wait for that to be my official last name.




Again, this may not have been realistic because why would he have the ring with him? But some people actually carry an engagement right around with them long before they actually propose.

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed!

This story is almost finished! One more chapter to go!

I love you all, stay beautiful! -Emma

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