Chapter 4

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Anastasia's POV


I slid down the icey halls of Papa North's workshop making my knee high plain white dress flutter beneath me as my barefeet was almost reddish because of the coldness.

Oh , why hello there.

Mama Tooth flies down in front of me , attempting to catch me but I just slid down across beneath her legs and continued running away from them.

I am currently being chased by  four guardians----


I pulled out a carrot and threw it behind me.

"Fetch , Bunny! And sorry!"

I shrieked as he took the bait but I heard him swear loudly and continuously afterwards.

As I was saying , I am currently being chased by them because I had just woken up after being unconscious for about 4 hours.

I see the big brown mahogany doors of North's workshop from the distance making me run faster but only to stop abruptly because I see Jack leaning on one of the ice pillars on each sides of the doors.

He glances at me and smirks.

"I've been expecting you , James B--ahem , Anastasia. You think you can escape ME?"

Pft. He almost said James Bond.

I giggled as he just rolled his eyes and kicked himself off the pillar and walks towards me , "Alright , fun's over , kid. Ya don't have to rush over and save , Pitch---"

My giggling stops , as I seriously look up at him and interrupted him , "He needs me right now , Jack. He needs to know I'm here. Alive. And that I kept my promise that I would be back for him."

I heard deep chuckling behind me making me turn around and smile a little as Papa North walk towards me with a sulking Bunnymund on one of his shoulders , maybe because of a while ago , and Mama Tooth on his right side , flying.

"Ah , love."

Papa North sighed as he smiles a bit to me making me sigh and look up at him , "Please Papa North. Let me go and see him."

He then sighs again and rubbed his beard with one hand and said seriously , "Anastasia , we can't juzt let YOU go and zee him--"

That's it.

"But why , Papa North?!" , I cried out sadly as I look up deep into his eyes , "I'm just going to see him---"

"Are you sure , you're just going to see him , honey?" , Mama Tooth interrupted me as she looks down at me sadly and worriedly.

"Ah...uh..." , I became speechless as I look up at her with pleading eyes then hang my head down in shame , "I-I'm sorry...I just wanna save soon as I can..."

Crystal clear tears starts to flow down my flushed cheeks as I bite my lower lip , my bangs curtaining my eyes.

"H-He thinks....I'm dead...but...but I'm really not!" , I said while snapping my head back up only to meet Papa North's worried and sad eyes , " least...not anymore."

"Yez...And pleaze think thiz through Anaztazia , my dear." , Papa North started as placed Bunnymund down on the floor gently , "You might not be dead anymore but...."

"North! You...We can't just--!"

I look up at them confusedly and began to ask softly , "B-But what..? Tell me please!"

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