Chapter 5

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Anastasia's POV

His mean cold eyes , peircing right through me as he screamed...

How dare you talk about my love...!

As tears ran down his cheeks.

'He doesn't...really remember me...'

I thought sadly as I sat on the icy cold floor , hugging my knees together.


I look up and saw Bunnymund kneeling in front of me with a serious look on his face as he reaches out and caressed my cheeks softly.

Leaning on his touch , I began to cry softly , as a crystal clear tear ran down my cheek down to his furry palm making it evaporate into thin air.

"He...He doesn't remember me..Bunnymund." , I mumbled as I opened my eyes and looked up at him , "Please...I have to save him soon."

He sighed and retracted his hand back to himself then stood up , grunting , "Anastasia , we all know what happened earlier right?"

I sighed and stood up straight as I appear in front of him making him gasp , "Yes! But I need to at least...well..! Make him believe that his Anastasia is alive! That..." , I paused and looked down at my barefeet , "I'm alive."

"....Crikey mate...don't just pop out all of a sudden.."

I hear Bunnymund breathe out making me chuckle a little along with the other three guardians.

"Oh , she does that a lot , dontcha little monster?"

My eyebrow twitched as I whipped my head to the source of the voice and stomped my right foot on the floor making a wave of white sand go towards HIM.

"WHOA! Chill , girl. No need to get all hyped up!" , he teased me as my white sand was easily evaporated when he touched it with his right gloved hand.

"Who the hell is he?" , Jack said while walking towards my side along with Mama Tooth and Papa North , armed up.

Rolling my eyes , I growled out in frustration , "Depression..."

"Oh come on , little monster! I got a name~" , he whined as he walked slowly towards us.

Gritting my teeth , I glared at him , "Oh you mean the name useless? Yeah , I know that." , I smirked as I saw him frown a little.

"Hah." , he faked laugh , "Very funny , sweetpea--"

"Disgusting. What are you doing here , Xavier?" , I asked nonchalantly.

He smiled then disappeared from our sight making the guardians get surprised while I rolled my eyes and disappeared then teleported from where he last stood while he teleported where I last stood which was behind the guardians.

"You can't get me this time , Blackwood . Now answer the question." , I asked again.

I see Sandy signing some things above his head with his sand as he glances behind him .

Smiling a little , I signaled him that everything's going to be fine.

"Hmph. No fun~" , he cleared his throat , "I came here to---"

I gasped as I turn around and see a black samd swirling like a vortex.

Could it be...!

"Dammit..! Now who the hell is he?!"

I hear Blackwood complain as Pitch appears in front of me with a huge frown on his face making me sad and step back a little as he notices me and frowns even more.

"You...!" , Pitch growled while glaring down at me making me whimper a little and my eyes flicker to being emerald for a second making me see Pitch's shock and confused expression.

"OH! HIM! I came here to warn you about this guy!" , Blackwood said confidently as he appears beside Pitch making him become shocked as Blackwood slings an arm around Pitch's shoulders coolly , "Sup! My name's Xavier Blackwood. The---"

"Guardian of Depression."

I cut him making Pitch look down at me while Blackwood glared at me , "Ahem! As I was saying , the King of Depression. Or as anyone calls me , Xavier. Depression himself."

"Xavier...! Get away from Pitch..!"  , I growled out as I created a white sand dagger on my right hand.

Pitch just glanced at me , menacingly , making me gasp as memories of a while ago flashed back making me wince in pain and close my eyes  tightly while my left hand held my forehead.

I felt my eyes continously flickering from electric blue to my once emerald ones.

"Oh~ oh ho ho ho! So HE'S the one you're trying to pro--GAH! HEY!" , I cut off Xavier by throwing a dagger directly at his face only for him to lash it away easily since I was a bit weak from the flash backs.

"Silence..! You're really getting on my nerves Blackwood...heh!" , I chuckled I created another dagger on my right hand while I regained my composure and stared up at him with my now normal electric blue eyes , "What have you come here for Blackwood..?"

Xavier just raised a brow and glanced at Pitch and then at the guardians as he disappears making the five gasp along with me.

I didn't have time to react since I was still trying to recover from the flashback.

"The children will be by my hands soon enough , love. And you will be too , soon once I'm done with those brats!" , I heard Xavier chuckle evilly in my ear making me whip my dagger carelessly behind me only for me to stagger.


Jack calls out as he held me by the arms carefully , preventing me from falling.

"Thanks Jack.." , I said softly.

"Got it little monster? So hurry up if you want to save those brats! Ha ha!" , Xavier laughed it off making me grit my teeth and tear up a little.


I screamed at the top of my lungs making me gasp and cough a little.

"....What in the world is going on?"

I look behind Jack and saw Pitch standing at the shadow corners of the workshop , looking at me with his emotionless face but his eyes tell me otherwise.

His eyes were full of confusion.

Those beautiful golden orbs... which were once full of love and care..for me.

I slowly closed my eyes as I managed to breathe out the words..

"S-save the kids.....and Pitch..."

As darkness consumes me once a again.

The Light of My World (Sequel to Innocent Smile of Mine)Where stories live. Discover now