Fluff #5

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Xavier's POV

I hear the familiar doors of this shit hole called Void open and the all too familiar quick footsteps of---


"Oh , why if it isn't the brat." , I said darkly , as my low and rough voice doesn't intimidate her at all , "What?"

Linnea Melania Black.

The daughter of Pitch Black , King of Nightmares A.K.A Boogieman , and Anastasia J. Black , half Guardian of Love and Care and half Maiden.

"I drew you!" , I heard Linnea chirp happily making me roll my eyes as I look up and glanced at her through the glass , separating the both of us , "Look!"

She was now already 5 years old.

And I watch her grew up right in front of my eyes since Pitch would bring her here for some reason.

"Your drawing sucks." , I mocked at her making her pout as she turned the paper and looked at it.

"She drew you so appreciate it , Xavier."

I look up at the source of the voice and grinned , "Well , if it isn't , lovely Anastasia." , I stood up from the floor , dusting off my black skinny pants and looked down at her , stuffing my hands into my pockets , "What brings you here?"

She raised a brow up to me and crossed her arms across her chest , "Pitch said he wouldn't be able to watch over Linnea since he's got lots of work in hand here , no thanks to you."

"Oh? Then this maybe the chance for me to---"

"Don't even think about flirting with my wife , Blackwood."

I hear Pitch Black growl as four Nightmare horses went to Linnea and Anastasia's side.

Well , he's fast.

"I've got enough work in hand and you flirting with my wife is not helping." , I looked towards his desk in the middle and saw him glaring at me , "So I suggest you back off before I eliminate you."

I raised both of my hands in the air in mock surrender , "Alright , alright. Jeez. You're no fun."

"Papa is always serious." , I hear Linnea mumbled as I glanced down at her and saw her remaking her drawing , "Aw."


I look at my left shoulder and saw my black bird friend.

"Oh! Chi-chi!" , I hear Linnea chirp happily as she stood up from the floor .

"What's that?" , I hear Anastasia ask as she was eyeing the creature curiously , "It somehow looks like a baby phoenix but color black."

I rolled my eyes and raised my right index finger to the bird for it to step on , "It's the egg , which hatched , this little brat gave me." , I sighed and saw the bird's bright red eyes looking at me making me smile a little , "It's name is Chip since it makes chipping noises."

"Chi-chi!" , I hear Linnea call out making me glare down at her and her pout , "Chi-chi!"

"It's Chip! Not fudgin' 'Chi-chi'!" , I growled at her making her furrow her eyebrows , "Fine!"

I looked at the bird and nodded my head as it chirped and flew down towards the hole of the glass and onto Linnea's right shoulder , nuzzling it's head onto her cheek , affectionately.

What a flirt.

I thought amusedly as Anastasia was staring at it cautiously making me sigh , "He only let's me and Linnea touch him. So he's completely safe with her."

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