Fluff #3

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Pitch's POV


"Alright , alright! Just wait for papa , sweety." , I chuckled at my 3 year old little daughter , Linnea , as she was gripping on her backpack's straps tightly , out of excitement , "Why are you even so eager to see him , Lin?" , I grumbled , jealously.

She grinned up at me and showed the egg she was going to give to Xavier Blackwood.

I sighed and started fixing my cloak only to wrinkle it a little , "Oh right.." , I mumbled.

"Jealous that your little girl is excited to see another boy other than her father?" , I hear Anastasia enter the room , teasing me.

I rolled my eyes and turned to look at her as she kissed my cheek , "If jealousy is the word , then yes. Yes , I am." , I grumbled as I let her fix my black cloak.

She laughed a little as she flashed me one of her beautiful smiles ever and said softly , "What happens when it's her junior prom , I wonder?"

I furrowed my brows together and grumbled , "She won't be needing any date because I'm here for her."


"What? I'm just saying that I should be the only boy in my daughter's eyes!" , I exclaimed making Linnea look up at us with her gorgeous emerald eyes , which she got from Anastasia , that has a tinge of gold in them , which she got from me.

"Boys?" , she called out curiously.

"Honey , papa should be the only boy in your eyes , okay?" , I explained to her with pleading eyes as she just stared up at me and smiled.

"Papa is the on'y boy I wove!"

And there goes my heart.

I sighed in relief and carried my daughter in my arms , kissing her forehead affectionately and pecking Anastasia's lips , "See you later , my love."

Anastasia smiled at us , "You also , dork." , she glanced at Linnea and gave her a sweet kiss on the nose , "Be good with papa , okay?"

I just see Linnea grin and say , "I try!" , as I created a vortex for us to bring us to the entrance of the Void.

"Vivi!" , she squealed excitedly making me groan in pain as we were now in front of the doors of the Void , " 'Ello Chello an' Chella!" , Linnea greeted properly to the gate keepers of the Void.

The female and male gate keepers smiled down at Linnea and greeted back happily , "Hello , young Linnea!" , as they opened the doors for us to enter.

Strangely enough , Linnea isn't afraid of them or of this place... Huh. Perks of being the daughter of Anastasia and of the King of Nightmares.

I thought proudly as I was staring at my little daughter , whom was humming happily while carefully holding the egg with both hands.

"Vivi!" , she beamed happily.

I swore I saw flowers going around her as she ran her way towards the large cell of Xavier Blackwood whom had a surprised but grumpy look on his face.

I summoned three Nightmare horses to accompany her as they made their way beside Linnea , on guard.

"What? It's the brat again?" , I heard  Xavier exclaim in disbelief as I sat on my station chair which was in the middle of the Void and pulled out my black log book from thin air , "What the--"

I glared up at him , warning him , as he paused and gulped.

"--are you doing here , brat?" , he stuttered as Linnea sat in front of his cell , and stared up at him through the clear glass with her wide excited eyes , "What?"

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