Chapter 2

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I paused looking around me seeing my old friends especially Tooth who was bawling her eyes out while Bunnymund was patting her back while staring at me like he's seen a ghost and North with his eyes wide and mouth hang open.

"THIS CAN'T BE!!! WAAAH!" , Tooth cried out as she pointed her finger at me while dramatically punching Bunnymund on his chest , "THIS BEAUTIFUL GIRL CAN'T BE MY LITTLE CUTE ANASTASIA!!!"

I sighed and sang my lullaby making her stop as I smiled and sang another song forming white sand on my hand ,

"Calla lily, carnation, daisy

Silently chase away your worries ....."

I formed a star as I flicked away towards Tooth putting our memories together in it so she can see it.

The memories we had together , was seen by her making her gasp and form a smile on her face.

"Chrysanthemum, kalanchoe

Become your shield whenever you fall asleep~~~"

Forming another star , I flicked it this time towards Sandy who was saw the memories we had together in it making him smile.

"I cried out

Please don't leave me behind, leave me behind

So you held me tight

And said I will be just fine, I will be just fine, I will be just fine "

Pausing , I made lots of stars made from my white sand as I spread them onto the North's place , memories of mine and the other guardians , flowing throughout the place.

"Petals dance for our valediction

And synchronize to your frozen pulsation

Take me to where your soul may live in peace

Final destination

Touch of your skin sympathetically brushed against

The shoulders you used to embrace

Sparkling ashes drift along your flames

And softly merge into the sky!"

I flow high up smiling down at them showing them the memories more and more as I flicked a star on North , the memories of him and me whenever we would stargazing and he would act fatherly towards me.


Aroma drags me out of where I was

Cream rose, stargazer, iris

Construct the map that helps me trace your steps~"

Flying towards Jack as I caressed his face and wiping his tears away as I sang,

"Zipped my mouth

I just keep climbing up, keep climbing up

Justify our vows

I know you are right above, you are right above, you are right above~~~"

I smiled at him as I flicked a star at him showing him our memories together , him being a brother to me.

"Look now

I'm on the top of your world, top of your world

My darling

Here I come, I yell

And take a leap to Hell~~"

I swirl in the air as my white dress twirl around with me and my pure white hair too as my sky blue eyes sparkle brightly.

"Swirling wind sings for our reunion

And nine point eight is my acceleration

Take me to where our souls may live in peace

Our brand new commencement

Touch of your lips compassionately pressed against

The skull that you used to cherish

Delicate flesh decomposes off my rotten bones

And softly merge into the sky~~~~"

Then all of a sudden , a memory of me and Pitch came in front of me making me gasp and my white sand disappear slowly as I see black dots.

'Oh no...!' , I winced as I began to fall , if it weren't for North and Bunnymund whom caught me quickly , "Anastasia!" , they exclaim in unison.

"What time is it...." , I asked weakly as I close my eyes shut tightly.

I could their confusion , "It's about to be 8 in the evening. What's wrong Anastasia?" , Tooth asked worriedly as she flies over to me along with Jack with a curious yet worried look.

Putting both hands on my head , as I sit up and look at them all , "The children......" , I whimper.

"What abou' the , mate?" , Bunnymund asked quickly as he places soothing circles on my back.

Looking up at him with furrowed brows , I replied to them as I began to feel weak....


I blacked out.


Chapter 2 is now done.

Sorry , it's been so long.

It's just I've been busy with school work none stuff.

I hope you all forgive me.

I'll try to update faster this time since it's 2015 already.

Next up is chapter 3.

Don't forget to vote , comment and follow me.

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