Fluff #2

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Bunnymund's POV

I tapped my foot twice and created a hole towards Pitch's lair.

Today's my first time baby sitting , Linnea!

I thought excitedly as I ran inside the hole and jumped up , now in front of the doors of his lair.

I pressed the door bell and heard the door's open revealing Anastasia's smiling face as she was carrying a light gray backpack in hand.

"Morning Bunnymund." , she greeted making me smile down at her.

"Mornin' sheila."

I've gotten over my romantic feelings for her and now I just treat her as my family.

It was hard to move on but once I saw their daughter , Linnea , for the first time everything changed especially when she first called me.

"Unkie Bun!"

"Unkie Bun!"

I looked down and saw the adorable face of Linnea , reaching her arms up at me.

I knelt down in front of her and spread my furry arms for her to go in , "Why mornin' , my lil' ankle biter!" , and carried her in one arm while the other took the light gray back pack , "So what time will you and Pitch be picking her up?"

"About 7 PM , Bunny." , Anastasia answered with a smile , "Thank you so much , Bunnymund."

I smiled and replied , "Anythin' for the lil' ankle biter." , and tapped my foot twice and jumped down the hole , my arm tightly around Linnea whom was squealing happily.

"Fasta' , Unkie Bun!" , she happily exclaimed making me chuckle and go faster inside the hole.

Once we were near , I jumped up and landed on my feet.

"Again! Again!" , Linnea happily squealed making me laugh.

"Maybe another time , 'kay?" , I cooed at her as she just whined and nodded her head , "Don' be sad now! We've got lots of things to do today , ya know!"

That made her look at me and smile brightly , "Really?!"

"Yep. Really. Now down ya go while I place your backpack inside my house." , I said as I placed her down.

And as soon as I placed her down , she started running around the grassy Warden happily.

Quite the energetic little girl.

I thought funnily as I opened the door to my small house and placed her back pack in the living room and quickly went back to her side.

As I was walking towards her , I see her sitting on top of one of my sentinels already as she was laughing.

"How the hell did she get up there?!" , I exclaimed nervously as I quickly ran up to them , "Lin , how did you get up there , sweety?"

She grins down at me and just showed me swirling her black and white sand in between her little fingers.

Oh yeah...her sand...

I thought dumbly as I sighed and facepalmed , already having my hands full as I see her standing on them now , making me panic.

"Catch!" , she chirped as she hopped off and me catch her in my arms , "Goo' job , Unkie Bun!"

I sighed and leaned my forehead onto hers , "It's good to be adventurous but not too much , kiddo." , I mumbled.

"Eggs!" , I hear her gasp out loud making me perk up and look at where she was looking , "They walk!"

I grinned and knelt down , letting her down on her feet , as I smiled at her , "Wanna paint them together with me , Linnea?"

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