Chapter 15

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"Anastasia what about this?"

"Mama Tooth , that dress is too frilly."

"But it's cute."

"Yeah , but I don't like things that are too frilly." , I chuckled a little as Tooth and I were walking on the busy streets of Burgress.

I stared at Tooth's human form as she links arm in arm with me with an excited smile on her face.

Mama Tooth's human form is gorgeous!

She had a waist length burgundy hair with hazel brown eyes and peach fair skin.

She was also wearing a red Sunday dress and red doll shoes that had white polka dots on it.

"I can't believe my baby girl is getting married before I do!"

"Mama Tooth..." , I chuckled nervously as she wipes away a fake tear and smile down at me.

Ever since Pitch proposed to me and us announcing it to the others a day after , she has been talking non stop about the decorations and what I should wear and etc.

"Gramps is still grouchy as usual though." , I trailed off as we turned left and dodged other people carefully.

She just chuckled and patted my shoulder , "He's always grouchy plus , he's only 'brat' , which he treats as a daughter , is now getting married. So it's normal for him to be like that." , she explained.

I sighed and smiled a little.

"North and Sandy approved very much though." , I giggled as I remembered them giving me and Pitch a thumbs up when they heard about the news.

"And don't forget about me!" , Tooth whined as she pouted and I just laughed , "Jack also. He just went stone cold when he first heard it. And thought that his only best friend and little sister is now getting married."

"Yeah. But Bunnymund.." , I paused as we stopped from walking making Tooth stop also and hold both of my shoulders , "He..."

"Hey , maybe it really wasn't meant to be , you know? Plus , he saw it coming. You and Pitch coming back together and this marriage." , Tooth comforted me as I remembered the day before me and Pitch announced about our marriage at North's meeting room.


" 'Ey Anastasia? " , I turned around and smiled at Bunnymund as he calls out for me , "Can we talk outside for a moment , sheila?"

I tilted my head to the side and nod my head , before telling Pitch I would be with Bunnymund outside the room.

"Sure." , Pitch replied shortly as he kissed my forehead and walked towards North and the others.

I smiled and went outside the room with Bunnymund as he closed the doors behind us.

I looked up at Bunnymund , smiling , "What is it , Bunny?" , I asked.

He took a deep breath and looked down into my eyes as he took both of my hands into his paws and his long ears perk.

"Anastasia , I love you. Please be with me , sheila."

My eyes widen as my mouth was agape for a moment then I closed it and bit my lower lip , "B-Bunny , I..."

"I couldn't tell you my feelings when you were still a human but now that you're here I can tell you this: I love you."

He said seriously making me look up into his eyes and sigh , saying , "I'm sorry , Bunny."

I pulled my hands away from his paws as he placed his paws at his sides and was just looking at me with a serious face.

The Light of My World (Sequel to Innocent Smile of Mine)Where stories live. Discover now