Fluff #1

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"Mama! Mama!"

I groaned and opened my eyes as I see Linnea , our 3 year-old daughter , jumping on mine and Pitch's bed , excitedly.

"Gran'pa Nowth will be 'ere soon with the othe's!"

She exclaimed cutely as I sat up and kissed her nose , "Morning to you too ,  Linnea." , I glanced behind me and saw a pillow on Pitch's face making me roll my eyes.

"Papa not 'wake?" , Linnea asked me as she was staring at Pitch making me grin.

"Wanna wake papa up?" , I asked her as she just nod her head , "Okay. I'll let you use your sand but only for today!" , I reminded her when I see her eyes light up excitedly , "But..." , I whispered to her a plan as she just grins evilly.

And runs out of our bedroom.

She is definitely my daughter.

I thought as I slid off the bed , careful not to wake Pitch up , and wore a white robe as I was heading to the kitchen.

*Ping! Ping!*

Probably the others.

I thought as I walked towards our entrance doors and opened them revealing the warm faces of Jack , Bunnymund and North.

I raised my brow and let them in , "Where's Mama Tooth and Sandy?" , I asked them confusedly as they chuckled.

"Dead tired from work. They said they would just visit another time." , Jack snickered as I just rolled my eyes and smiled at them.

"Poor them." , I walked towards the kitchen and started making breakfast , "You guys ate already?"

"Nope." , they all said in unison making me chuckle.

"We all 'urried here thinkin' ya might be waitin' for us , sheila." , Bunnymund explained as I smiled at them.


We all looked at the source of the sound and saw Linnea carrying a bucket of ice water using her black and white sand which she inherited from me and Pitch.

Jack noticed and looked at me with a raised brow , "Isn't she not allowed to use her sand until she's , like , five?" , he asked.

I cracked open 6 eggs on the two pans which were sizzling , "Yep."

"Then why is she usin' it now?" , Bunnymind asked as Linnea smiled at them and then went inside our bedroom with the bucket.

I grinned and looked at them , "I'm letting her 'wake' Pitch up."

"Hah!" , North laughed signalling he got what mine and Linnea's plan was , "Pitch'z got two Anaztazia's to worry about in this houzehold. That I can zay."

I laughed and looked at the clock.

It's almost nine o'clock. Pitch usually wakes up at nine thirty since he's tired from all the guardian work like Sandy and Tooth.

"What." , Jack exclaimed confusedly as we were just looking at the bedroom doors.









"What are we even waiting for--?!"


Linnea bursts out of our bedroom doors and went beside me laughing adorably.

The Light of My World (Sequel to Innocent Smile of Mine)Where stories live. Discover now