Chapter 9

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"Mama! Mama!"

I turn around and saw a little girl with black hair down to her waist with fair white skin and emerald eyes with a tinge of gold in them.

She looks up at me with the most gorgeous smile ever as her plain white dress twirls around her small body.

My eyes widen as I gasped.

'What...? And was she calling me mama?'

I thought confusedly as I hear footsteps behind me making me turn around and see a tall man with slick black hair and golden eyes and fair skin wearing a black short sleeved shirt and black pants.

"Anastasia , dear , what's wrong?"

I gasped.

'That voice...!'



I shout as I snap my eyes wide open while my right hand reaches out.

A dream..?

I thought as my eyes soften while I sighed and sat up softly , looking around my surrounding seeing I'm in someone's bedroom.

"You are in my bedroom , Anastasia."

"Gah! Jeez , gramps! A little warning would suffice."

I grumbled as I see him roll his eyes and walk towards me , "Awake now?"

It was my turn to roll my eyes , "What does it look like?"

He sighs and waves off his left hand as he looked at me and cleared his throat.

I look at him directly in the eyes and asked , "Where's Pitch?"

"I knew you would ask. He is downstairs , dear. With Aaron." , he replied back with a warm smile.

I smiled back , saying , "Thank you." , then paused and looked at my one bandaged arm and looked back up at him , "For this. Erm , how did I get in here by the way?"

He chuckled and replied , "You passed out from crying and complaining so much while I was sewing your wound." , then grinned , "So Pitch had to carry you all the way in here. You're welcome."

I blushed and shook my head as I slapped both of my cheeks and hopped off the bed , "Where is he?"

"Get back to bed--! Anastasia!"

"I'm okay , alright? Now let me be." , I answered as I just heard him sigh and mumble some words making me stop walking and look at him , "What?"

He looks up and said , "I just said that you are hopelessly in love with that man and it's sickening."

I blushed even more and pouted , "Stop it , gramps! Jeez!" , then turned away , and rushed out of the door and paused , almost tripping myself in the process.

Ugh , stairs.

As I was about to decide to just fly my way downstairs I heard gramps shout from the room.

"Do not use your abilities for today! You have lost quite an amount of blood while I was stitching you up!"

I groaned and started walking down the stairs while having the wall in my right as support.

This is dumb...

I thought as I took another careful step down stairs.

You know what?

I paused from walking and fumed angrily a bit as I began to float a little above the ground and started flying slowly down the stairs.

What's the harm with using my abilities? I can do what I want!



I shrieked as I bumped onto something hard making me stop flying and fall back in someone's arms.

Opening my eyes while rubbing my temples , I look up and laughed nervously as my eyes were met by green ones.

"Hi Aaron." , I said meekly as I floated myself out in his arms and onto the ground.

He only grumbled and scratched the back of his neck , "What's with you Anastasia? Didn't gramps just told you to NOT use your abilities?"

My eyes widen as I gasped , "How'd you know--"

"I just guessed."

"What?!" , I shrieked as I groaned and rolled my eyes only to pause and blush as my eyes land on the figure of Pitch , sitting on one of the chairs , looking at me with a raised brow.

He's still here..

"So you're awake." , Pitch started as he stood up and was about to walk towards me when Aaron looked at him and said.

"Stand back. Just because Sir Wysteria released you from your cage doesn't mean I'm going to let you be near her."

Pitch glared at him and snapped , "Who said you are the boss of me?" , then looks at me , his eyes still stern , "Are you alright now?"

I blushed and nod my head , "Yes! And , well , thank you for carrying me by the way."

Pitch had a confused look on his face at first until he realized and rubbed his temples , groaning , "That old man...! I told him not to tell!"

I giggled a little at his reaction.

He's still the same as ever...

I thought longingly while staring up at him lovingly.

Pitch then sighs and looks down at me saying , "Look , I just carried you. Nothing special. I just did not have any choice at all since you were bloody slumped down on me when you passed out. End of story." , he said menacingly.


I bit my lower lip and looked down at my feet as I replied back softly , "Yeah. Thanks."


I looked up beside me and saw Aaron looking at me worriedly , "Are you alright?"

Just a little smile would do the trick...

I thought sadly as I smiled forcefully and replied to him , "Yep! Definitely."

Aaron smiled back as I felt his hand caress my right cheek making me gasp  , confusedly.

"Can you bloody stop touching her?"

Pitch's POV

I was about to turn away when I noticed the fairy guard named Aaron look at the little guardian girl and started being concerned.

What's he worrying about?

The girl just smiled up at him.

Her smile was ugly.

Don't get me wrong.

It is ugly.

Who would want to see a FORCED smile.

Somehow it's very nostalgic.

I placed my right hand on my chest , clenching the black fabric tightly as I looked back at her.

A forced smile doesn't really suit her.

I thought as I noticed Aaron raise his left hand and caresses the gaurdian's right cheek.

My eyebrows furrow together as I said something which completely surprised everyone including me in the room.

"Can you bloody stop touching her?"


Here s chapter 9 mah dear krazies!

Sorry for the long wait!

I was preparing my outfit for an anime convention this upcoming May 14!

I'm going to be cosplaying as Erza Scarlet!

So see ya guys hopefully at the convention!

Buh bye!

Krazy with a K! What can I say? OUT!

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