Chapter 11

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"Papa North!" , I called out , frustatingly.

"What?!" , he shouted back as we held onto the edges of the sled tightly.

I growled , "Can't this sled of yours go any faster?!"

He looks at me and said , "Got any better ideaz?!"

~3 hours earlier...~

"C-Can we please stop dwelling on the fact that I am a Maiden for a minute here ?" , I mumbled in frustration as I look up at the 5 guardians who came here , "What are you guys even doing here?!....I swear I was able to sneak away from you..." , I mumbled the last part.

"W-We found out about Depression's plans while you were away." , Jack's voice cut through the thick silence which was making me deaf.

I look at him with furrowed brows , "What? I already told you guys , didn't I?" , I said , confused , as I look up at them , "His plans were to get Pitch in his side and make me his."

Bunny shook his head sideways as he knelt in front of me , "Partly , you said were right. But there's something you are missing."

"Then what is it?" , I asked impatiently as gramps' hold on me tightens , warning me.

Bunnymund looks at North , as if asking for permission , then looks at me explaining , "Depression , Xavier , is using this as an advantage."

"This?" , I said outloud in confusion.

"This! Pitch not remembering and believing you , and you being a half guardian and maiden! He knew about it all along before we could even figure it all out , Anastasia!" , Bunnymund explained.

My eyes widen as I grit my teeth as my white hair was floating around my body and the things in the room were floating above the ground a little.

"That damn little roach...! H-He tricked me...!" , I growled as I felt my eyes were flickering violently from electric blue to emerald.


I gasped as the things in the room fell on the floor all at once , and my hair stopped floating around me.

"Remember , you are not allowed to use your abilities from now on. Especially with your eyes being emerald and not electric blue anymore." , gramps warned me , with a stern look on his face.

I clicked my tongue and looked away from him.

"Why not?" , Jack asked as gramps sighed.

Gramps explained , "With her being half guardian and maiden , her abilities have limitations unlike us full fledged guardians." , he paused the sighed again , "Her body cannot withstand too much use of her abilities. Especially her center ability."

"Center ability?" , Jack tited his head to the side.

"All of uz guardianz have that , Jack. Me with my zwordz , Tooth with her memoriez , Bunnymund with hiz zpeed , Zandy with hiz golden zand , and you with your znow." , North explained.

"Then what's Anastasia's?" , Bunnymund asked , confused.

"My voice." , I grumbled as gramps just glared at me.

"Your voice...?" , Bunnymund asked.

I looked up at him , with a raised brow , "I sing , Bunnymund. That's my center ability. And it takes up most of my energy away." , I explained buntly.

"That's why she can't use it now with her condition like this." , gramps explained.

I shrug my shoulders , "I only use it when I have to cleanse some parts of the world." , I mumbled.

The Light of My World (Sequel to Innocent Smile of Mine)Where stories live. Discover now