Fluff #6

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Xavier's POV

"Just because you're released now doesn't mean your probation is done , Blackwood."

Pitch warned me as I look at his golden peircing eyes as he glares at me making me sigh and roll my eyes.

It's been 5 years and my 'behind-the-bars-years' is now over. Though I am still in temporary probation according to the Council.

So , some of Pitch's horse Nightmares will be monitoring me at my lair. Sucks.

"I know so shut the fu--"


I hear the familiar call for me from a certain brat making me pause mid sentence and Pitch turn around , quickly.

I look behind Pitch , through his shoulder , making me see the 10 years old Linnea running with a wide grin on her face towards us.

She stopped beside Pitch , panting as he knelt down in front of her with a confused face , "Linnea Melanie Black!"

Linnea looks up , and stands up straight , towards Pitch as she smiles and kisses his nose , "Hi papa!"

"Hello sweetie but didn't I say to wait at your mother's area?" , Pitch inquired confusedly , "So how--?"

"I brought her here , Pitch."

We three looked at the source of the voice and saw Anastasia walking towards us with a smile on her face , "Hello boys."

Pitch stands up and walks over to his wife , an arm around her waist , "Hello darling. Why did you bring her here though?"

Anastasia chuckles and glances at me , "What do you think? What's the only reason your daughter comes here for?"

"To see Vivi , papa!" , Linnea pouted making me look down at her with a raised brow and her look up at me with her cute grin , "Heya Vivi!"

"Hn , brat." , I grunted as I stuffed my hands inside my pockets as she pouted up at me making me smirk , "Now , what brings you here this time?"

She grins and grabs my left arm with both hands , making my brows raise up at the same time , as she pulls me away from her parents.

Pitch's glare following me as usual.

What's up with her?

I thought as we stopped right in front of my cell and me ask , "So?"

"Congratulations for being released today , Vivi!"

She said happily as she grins up at me.

I chuckled a little as I see my black bird friend , Chip , land on her left shoulder , making her smile at him , "Hi Chip!" , she greeted making the bird nuzzle it's head on her cheek.

My brows furrowed as I tapped it's head lightly , " 'Ey! She came to see me , bird brain. Not to cuddle with you." , I inquired as the bird just chirped then pecked my hand away , painfully , "Ow!"

"You guys still fight as usual. Jeez." , I hear Linnea chuckle lightly as she looks up at me and said , "Oh! I also came here to show you something , Vivi!"


I grinned lazily at her and leaned towards her a little , "What is it , brat?"

"Oh come on!" , she groans as she lightly glares at me , "You always call me 'brat'! Why can't you just call me by my real name?" , she whined a little.

I shrugged my shoulders and replied , "That's because you are a brat. You're a kid , duh."

"I'm 10 years old." , she remarked.

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