Chapter 6

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Anastasia's POV

I flutter my eyes open as I gasped.

Ow... My head.


I heard Jack gasp as I sit up slowly , only to feel a set of arms on my back to help me up.

Looking around while rubbing my temples , I asked , "Where am I...?"

"You're in North's bedroom. I carried you here when you fell unconscious."

Jack replied back as I just looked up at him and nod my head, still thinking about the events that happened.


I thought as I cover my face with both of my hands , shaking in frustration.


"It's okay Jack!" , I said as I uncover my face and smiled up at him.

A forced smile.

As I was trying to convince him that everything is fine with me.

But to be honest, I don't know how to convince myself if I'M fine though.

He just sighs and rubs my head with his right hand , "Okay... Just don't push yourself , okay?"

I just kept on smiling and nod my head as I just watched him stand up on his feet and walk away from the bed , then towards the door.

Taking one last look at me , he then left the room.

*drip drip!*

"...come on...!"

I groaned as my smile faltered slowly and hot tears ran down my cheeks , towards the clean sheet of blanket of Papa North's bed.

Clutching tightly onto the blanket , I gritted my teeth and looked down at my hands.

"Why can't I even save the one I love..?!"

I muttered as tears ran down my cheeks continuously.

Then I gasped and smirked a little.

"I'm so pathetic...Of course...."

I lay down on the soft pillows as I closed my eyes and clutched the sheets tightly while muttering.

"...I can't even save myself from this..."

Jack's POV

I knock onto the big mahogany doors 3 times as my grip on my staff tightens.


"Come in!"

I opened the doors and went in , as the faces of North, Sandy , Tooth and Bunnymund welcomes me in.

Tooth flies over to me hesistantly with a worried face.

"How is she Jack?"

I placed a hand on her shoulder gently and smiled a little.

"She's trying. That's all I can say."

She bit her lower lip as she nods her head in understanding and we both went over to the meeting area.

"So this Depression guy...?"

I started hesistantly as Bunnymund answered while cleaning one of his boomerangs.

"North's got an info about him, mate. Though just little of what we needed."

My brows furrow in confusion , "What do you mean?"

"Hiz information data iz quite few iz what Bunnymund trying to zay." , North answered as he was rubbing his beard with his left hand while reading the paper on the other.

"You zay he'z pretty confidential and knowz how to dizcret himzelf."

"Bullcrap!" , Bunnymund shouts as he turns away from the table , "How is that even possible?! I mean...!"

He faces us abruptly letting us see his frustrated face , "He IS  a guardian right?! A Guardian of Depression that is!" , Bunnymund said.

We all faced North waiting for an answer.

North just hums in reply while squinting his eyes on the picture of Xavier on the paper , "He zayz he iz. Az well az the paper doez..."

I look down at the floor while resting my chin on the head of my staff.

That's stupid though! Once becoming a guardian , it reveals every info about you. Your past , relatives , real name before becoming a guardian , your guardian name , how , when , and where you died , reason of becoming a guardian , reason of your guardian nature and the verification or confirmation that you ARE a guardian! is it that this Guardian of Depression , Xavier , have little info of himself?


I flew up with my staff on guard as two yetties came barging into the room.

"Ahh! What iz it Phil , Frank?! We're in the middle of a meeting here , zee?!"

North scolded the two yetties as the two were saying something to North.

Quite panickingly at that.

We see North's eyes go wide as he slammed his hands onto the icey table.

"What's wrong North?!" , I asked worriedly as we all gathered around North.

"It'z Anaztazia..."

My eyes widen as I flew out of the room and went over to her room hurriedly.


Don't let it be what I'm thinking...!

I slammed open Anastasia's room , huffing tiredly from flying around.

My staff falls down onto the floor as I walk inside slowly.

Her bed was neatly done , her glass of milk and plate of cookies were finished.


The windows were wide open and the red curtains of North's bedroom were fluttering due to the strong wind coming from outside and a note was pinned onto the table side of North's bed.

And it read...

'Dear Jack , North , Sandy , Tooth and Bunny ,

I need to go after and find Pitch. I know you guys would just stop me so I didn't go towards you guys and went there myself.

I'm sorry but I need to find him and save him myself. He needs a light that can get him out of his world of darkness immediatly. And I'm that light.

I'm the light of his world that he needs right now.

Anastasia , The Guardian of Love and Care'

I grit my teeth frustratingly and ran my fingers through my white ruffled up hair.

"Damnit Anastasia..! One moment we take our eyes off of you and you're off looking for Pitch all over again...!"


Yes , yes I know.

I haven't been updating for a while now but that's because I have been having this huge writer's block for a while now and I've been busy doing some school work and stuff.

I'm sorry you guys.

But here's the chapter you have been waiting for!

I love you KRAZIES!

Krazy with a K , what can I say? OUT!

The Light of My World (Sequel to Innocent Smile of Mine)Where stories live. Discover now