Chapter 3

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Jack's POV:

"Depression...Depression...OH!" , I shouted as I realized who Anastasia was talking about as the other guardians looks at me with a questioning look.

Kangaroo hops over to me as he's got Anastasia in his arms , bridal style , "What are ya yappering about Frosty?" , he asks seriously.

Rolling my eyes, I sighed and stood on top of my wooden staff , crossing my arms together as I look at him straight in the eyes , "I know who Anastasia is talking about. Depression , that is."

Tooth instantly flew over to me and shook me by the shoulders.

I swear she is some strong fairy. -.-"

"WELL?!WELL?! WHO IS THIS DEPRESSION?!?!" , Tooth says while looking seriously at me.

I gently pushed away her hands from me and sighed as I jumped off of my staff and grabbed it flying around the room making a figurine of a man in a cloak and a devil's tail with my snow "Depression , A.K.A  Xavier Blackwood , is the Guardian of , well...umm Depression. From the title itself---!"



"Jack!" , Tooth exclaimed as she flies over to me and helps me up.

Damn , that old man sure knows how to make a natural earthquake disaster. -.-"

Anastasia's POV:

Where am I...?

I look around as I walk forward only to gasp.

A figure forms right in front of me.


Those perfect broad shoulders...

Slick black hair...

Broad back...

PITCH...!!! I cry out uselessly as I run towards him.

But it's no use...

He cant hear me...

Why can't he hear me?!?!

PITCH...!!! Come back..! Come back to me..

He turns around but it only makes me cry even more.


His golden orbs glowing ever so meaningly.

Why did this have to happen to us...?

My tears flow down my cheeks as I just see his mouth curl up into a smile. But not the good one...

We were so perfect... our situation back then was perfect... but why..?

His smile was like of a predator's . Evil and merciless...

We had everything...I told you I would come back... Yet still why..?

He raises one of his hands and makes a swishing motion to me.


I collapse on my knees as I close my eyes then open them with determination in my eyes as I saw his black sand coming towards me.

My last tears flowing down my cheeks as I smile a little with determination and passion in my eyes.

I'm back  and get ready to be saved...!

The black sand spreads away from me as my white hair swishes behind me and my eyes glow electric blue and everything around me goes white.

Just wait for me. I'm coming.


Heya my dear krazies.
I'm finally updating.
Sorry it took so while.
This time from now on I'm going to update every week! Hehehehee!

Love you all ♡♡♡♡♡♡

I'm glad some of you haven't given up on me. ♡

I love you all...

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