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4 years later...

"Mama! Mama!"

I turn around and saw a little girl with black hair down to her waist with fair white skin and emerald eyes with a tinge of gold in them.

She looks up at me with the most gorgeous smile ever as her plain white dress twirls around her small body.

I smiled down at her and saw her giving me a red rose.

Somehow this is oddly familiar to me...

I thought strangely as I kiss my daughter's forehead , "Linnea Melanie Black , where did you get this rose?" , I playfully asked her as she just giggled and just went back to our picnic area.

My eyes widen as I remembered where I saw ths scene.

My dream from before...

I hear footsteps behind me making me turn around and see a tall man with slick black hair and golden eyes and fair skin wearing a black short sleeved shirt and black pants.

"Anastasia , dear , what's wrong?"

I paused for a minute as I smiled up at Pitch and went near him , "Nothing. Just curious as to how Linnea got this rose." , I stated as I showed him the rose.

He grinned and I raised my brow at him , "That's because of me. We went deeper into the woods and saw a patch of flowers and there was a single rose in all of them."

I shook my head as we began walking , hand in hand , back to the picnic area where we see our 3 year-old little daughter playing with two of Pitch's nightmares.

I smiled and asked him softly , "Still afraid that she might not like you?"

I heard him chuckle and sigh as I notice him smiling at the direction of our daughter , "Not anymore."

Laughing , I said , "You better not be! She practically loves you!"

He snickered at me , "That's because she is a daddy's girl , darling. Admit defeat." , he teased me as he ran ahead of me and carried Linnea in his arms.

I laughed and walked towards them.

Great. Now , I've got two dorks in my hands.

Linnea pouts and started pointing in my direction as I see Pitch's face turn to a face of shock as he placed down Linnea and she started running up to me.

Or maybe one full fledged dork and one half dork.

"Mama! Mama!" , she calls out making me laugh heartily as I carry her in my arms.

"Why hello , sweety." , I greeted sweetly as I walked up to Pitch whom was still in shock , "Now care to tell mama of what you did to papa that made him like this?"

Linnea tilted her head to the side and replied cutely , "Nothin' I towd papa that I wan' be with mama."

I giggled and looked at Pitch , "You were saying?"

He glances at me and chuckles , "Alright , alright. Maybe it's balanced." , he said as he kissed Linnea's soft plump cheek , "Right , baby girl?"

She just scrunches her nose up making me and Pitch laugh , "She definitely is your child , Anastasia." , Pitch laughed making me nod my head.

"I wove mama an' papa!"

We stopped laughing as both me and Pitch looked at Linnea and smiled lovingly at her.

"Me and mama loves you too , Linnea." , Pitch sweetly replied as he kissed Linnea's cheek.

"Yep! We love you to the moon and back." , I said as I kissed her other cheek making her giggle.

"Butta'fly!" , Linnea squealed as I placed her down on the ground and she started running.

I chased after her laughing , leaving Pitch behind.

Pitch's POV

I watched as Anastasia started chasing after our daughter.

I smiled and placed my hands inside my pockets.

Linnea Melanie Black.

When Linnea was born , I felt myself go weak before her and my wife.

North and the others practically had to support.

I never felt so much happiness when I met Anastasia and when Linnea , our sweet daughter , was born.

I made Anastasia choose the name.

And when she did , I cried when she told me what her name would be.

"Hm. Ah! I got it! Linnea Melanie Black." , she exclaimed happily while I was carrying the bundle of joy in my arms.

I looked at her with a raised brow , "Why?"

She grinned at me and said , "Linnea means pure and light while Melanie means black and beautiful." , she clapped her hands together asking , "Isn't that perfect?"

I smiled at her and looked down at my precious daughter's sleeping face, as tears of joy started forming again , and said softly , "Perfect as it can always be , Anastasia."

I smiled at the memory and watched my two most important people in my life in front of me , smiling.

I guess I have two Anastasia's in hand now.

I thought as I see Anastasia carrying Linnea in her arms , smiling , as she was walking back to our picnic area.

I started walking towards them making Anastasia and Linnea notice me.

But that wouldn't be a problem at all. Never.

The both of them grin up to me making me chuckle.

She has her mother's grin , alright.



"Pitch , watcha' chuckling for?!"

Now , I've got two lights...Most important lights...

I smiled down at them and kissed Linnea's head and pecked Anastasia on the lips.

The lights of my world...



Thank you for all the people who are (or were) reading this fanfic of mine. Thank you for all of your supports. Love you all.

*collapses on bed , laughing*

But do not worry. I will still be adding more bonus or fluffy scenes with their daughter.

AND! And!

And I will be making a story about their daughter so get ready for it.

So Imma see you all in the next scene!

Krazy with a K. What can I say? OUT!

The Light of My World (Sequel to Innocent Smile of Mine)Where stories live. Discover now