The Light of My World

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I fly over to a statue that was in the center of Burgress and sat on it squealing slightly because of the snow's coldness.

Giggling slightly , I sat slowly and sighed in relief looking around as my white curls swish a little.

"Welcome back Anastasia...." , I whispered to myself smiling as I felt the cold wind hit my face.


I heard a shout as I look down from the statue and saw a boy with brown hair and eyes standing up and laughed , "Cool! Did you see that? I was like riding my sleigh and then came flying-----"


The boy was hit by a red sofa which slid down the snow.

I winced a little as I thought , 'oohh....that gotta hurt!' , then giggled jumping down the statue as I kneeled down in front of the boy whom groaned and looked up at me gasping in surprise


I giggled because of his reaction and stood up helping him up , "Are you okay?" , I asked in my angelic voice.

He still stared at me and shake his head looking at his left hand as he had his tooth then raised it up to his friends , "Woah! Cool a tooth!"

"Ha ha! That means cash , bro!"

"Yeah! Ha ha ha!"

I shake my head as I walk beside the boy already catching the attention of his friends , "Uhm.... Jamie? Who is she?" , a girl with short brown hair asked pointing her index finger to me making a curious face.

The boy named Jamie looked at me and smiled asking me , "Yeah.... Who're you Miss?"

I giggled and said to him , "I'm Anastasia. It's a surprise you all can see me already. He he!"

Jamie stared at me for a minute and widen his eyes as he looked at his friends and said , "Guys! She's Aisatsana! You know! The Guardian of--------"

"Love and Care!" , the children said in unison as they looked at me in amazement.

I giggled again and said , " Yes. You're correct. Though , I prefer if you call me Anastasia." , and smiled to them.

Jamie and his friends nod their heads until. Jamie gasped and looked at me , "I know! You're HER!"

I raise my brow and smiled as I asked , "Hm? Whose HER?"

"You're the girl who takes care of the children in the day care! You know , my sister! We collided in a street as you were going straight to the grocery store! Do you remember??" , Jamie said excitedly.

I squint my eyes as I tried to remember and gasped looking at him as I smile , "I do! I do remember! Ohh! How could I ever forget about it. How's little Sophie by the way?" , I asked as I smiled big.

Jamie chuckled and shook his head , "Still the said as ever. Though her hair got longer. Ha ha! Look , we gotta go now Anastasia! See ya!"

He said as him and his friends waved goodbye and left me all alone by myself-------

"God , those kids already see you huh Anastasia?"

That voice!

I turn around and look up seeing the boy who I treated as my big brother , "Jack!" , I shouted as I smiled.

He grinned widely as he landed in front if me and all of a sudden he hugged me tightly , "So that's why you mouthed 'I will come back'. And now look at you!" , he paused and pulls away taking a look at me and said , "A guardian! Guardian of Love and Care!"

I giggled and stood on my tipple toes patting his head , "I missed you too , Jack." , I said in my angelic voice.

He smiled and began to tear up and he hugged me and said , "I missed you so much..... All five of us were lonely , very , and different without you. Especially Pitch...."

My smile faded away as he mentioned about Pitch as I pull away from him and look at him in the eyes , "What? What about Pitch?"

Jack pulls away as he scratched the back of his neck looking at me nervously , "Umm....I think it''s better if I don't tell it you..."

My brows furrow as I grabbed him on the shoulder gently asking , "Jack , why especially Pitch?"

He looked down at me sadly and replied , "He became evil again."

My heart broke into pieces listening to him saying the words I really didn't want to believe in.

I gulped and sobbed as he pulled me onto his chest cooing into my ear , "Shh..... Anastasia , don't worry. We don't plan on letting Pitch be like that... So , we want you to help us to get him back."

Get him back?

Get him to realize that I'm not gone or dead and that I was here alive as a guardian?

I wiped away the tears and looked up at him in determination saying...

"I'm in. Let's get my Pitch back."


So this is the first chapter of the sequel.

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Next chapter 2 please continue if reading.


The Light of My World (Sequel to Innocent Smile of Mine)Where stories live. Discover now