Fluff #4

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"Who do you pick? Uncle Jack or me?"

I hear Bunnymund ask from our living room , as I was sitting inside my office room , my door open for me to be able to check up on them.

Here they go again...

I thought.

Jack and Bunnymund went to our place because they had the day off from work said North.

And when I say 'went to our place' , it means they want to be with my precious daughter , Linnea.

"Come on , Lin! You've gotta pick Uncle Jack , right?" , I heard Jack laugh nervously as I pushed up my spectacles and glanced at them with a raised brow.

"Leave my poor daughter alone , you guys." , I said making the two men look at me as I see Linnea wobble her way towards Bunnymund's lap , "Oh dear."

"Unkie Bun!"

"D'aaw! That's my lil' ankle biter!" , Bunnymund cooed as he wrapped his furry arms around her small body while sticking a tongue out at Jack whom had a horrified look on his face .

Jack shook his head sideways violently as he glared at Bunnymund , "This means war."

I chuckled and stood up from my chair then stood up , leaning against the door frame of my room.

"War? Just admit that she always picks me 'cause I'm her favorite Uncle!" , Bunnymund taunted making Jack roll his eyes.

This is dumb..

"It's because you always ask her that question , Bunny." , I said to him as he just flopped his long ears down while laughing nervously as Linnea leaned her back against Bunnymund's chest , "Ask her a different one."

"Let me do the asking , kangaroo." , Jack teased.

"I'm not a kangaroo for the hundreth time , frostbite." , Bunnymund bit back as he smirked at Jack.

"Unkie Jack!"

The three of us turned to look at Linnea whom was playing with one of Pitch's black Nightmare horses , as she grinned up at Jack and said , "I a'so wove you! Don' worry!"

"I swear my heart just melted." , I hear Jack mumble making me laugh as he took Linnea in his arms , much to Bunnymund's dismay , and said , "I don't care if I'm not her 'favorite' Uncle just as long as she loves me very much , that's enough."

"Hang on. Let me just check on something." , Bunnymund said as he placed a paw on Jack's forehead.

"What are you doing , Bunnymund?" , Jack stated , confusedly as he saw Bunnymund pull away with furrowed

"It's like you're not Jack Frost anymore. He wouldn't give up so easily when in an argument with me." , Bunnymund stated.


"What? It's like I don't really know you anymore!"

"I take offense to that , kangaroo!" , Jack exclaimed while holding Linnea's back whom was climbing on his shoulders.

Bunnymund grinned , "Whatever , frostbite."

"I miss Vivi."

"Goddamnit..!" , I hear Bunnymund and Jack grumble making me glare at them , "Sorry."

Kicking myself off the doorframe , I walked nearer to them and sat on the sofa while smiling down at Linnea , "But honey , you've only haven't seen him for a week."

"But he 'as the egg." , she said while pouting.

Aww...my baby girl..

I mentally cooed as I took her in my arms and kissed her forehead , "Why don't you ask papa of how Xavier is doing when he gets home , hm?" , I asked her sweetly making her smile up to me and nod her head.

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