Chapter 12

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Pitch finally remembers me.

And I couldn't be even more happier than I am now.

"Just because you two are now back together doesn't mean this fight is over , my sweet Anastasia~"

If only that bastard of a Xavier wasn't only here!

I growled and pulled out my whip , while glaring up at Xaver , angrily.

"You're a big bother in my life , Xavier! And I would gladly eliminate you if only the law wasn't stopping me!"

I hear Pitch chuckle a little in front of me , "You always were hot tempered , Anastasia." , he teased me as I blushed a little and glared up at him lightly.

"It's not my fault I'm a responsible individual!" , I grumbled as I went beside Pitch , hearing him groan , "What?"

"Can you please at least be behind me when we fight?" , he pleaded.

"And let you have the fun all to yourself? Now way!" , I replied with a grin as I charged towards Xavier , hearing Pitch call out for me , "I love you and all but this is still my fight!" , I shouted back at him as I whipped Xavier , distracting him , and pulled out my dagger then jumped up , swinging it down towards him.

He dodged but I managed to scratch his right cheek making me smirk and him scowl , "What do you think you're smirking for , brat!" , he shouted angrily at me as he whipped his sand , forming it into a bird making me shriek and back away.

"Not so fast!"

I hear Pitch shout as he held my waist just in time with his right arm and blocked the black birds with his Nightmares.

Pitch looks down at me , "Stop lashing out all of a sudden! You could've hurt yourself." , he scolded me a little as he sighed and kissed the crown of my head and let go of my waist , "At least wait for me , please?"

I pouted stubbornly and nod my head , "Alright! Jeez." , as I created some doves with my white sand and sent them towards Xavier , surrounding him , "I'll make a distraction while you go on for attacks , Pitch!"

"Got it!" , he replied back as he kept on sending his Nightmares towards Xavier and darted towards him with daggers in hand.

I clap my hands together making the doves explode into a sea of white sand surrounding Xavier as Pitch darted for him and swung his dagger towards him , aiming for his legs.

"Gah! Damn it!" , I hear Xavier wince as he blew away my sand with his left hand , and his other holding the left side of his stomach.

Pitch managed to hurt him!

I thought happily as I went over to Pitch's side , "Good job." , I praised him.

Pitch puffed his chest out proudly making me stifle a giggle , "It's nothing." , he said as he held both of his daggers tightly.

"You both sicken me!" , Xavier growled as he looked down and smirked then glanced at me , "So~"

I furrowed my brows together as I look down and saw Jamie and his friends walking down the streets.


"What about I do something a little fun instead~?" , as he raised some of his sand and launched them towards Jamie's group , "Like this!"

"NO!" , I screamed as I darted towards the kids and saw them staring at the huge mass of sand coming for them.

Come on , Anatasia!

I thought angrily as I stood in front of them and did the only thing which can save them.

"Kids , do you believe in me?" , I whispered to them with a smile as they were afraid , I can feel it , "Look at me. Shh.. Don't cry. Don't be afraid. I'm here." , they all look at me and slowly calms down making me smile , "Do you believe in me?"

The Light of My World (Sequel to Innocent Smile of Mine)Where stories live. Discover now