Chapter 8

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Anastasia's POV

"Owie! Please be gentle , grandpa fairy!"

"Being gentle or not is out of the question as to how I heal you , guardian!"

"It's Anastasia! Ouch! Hey!"

"Shush , young one!"

I pouted as the old man fairy was disinfecting the long gash on my right arm.

Oh heya!

Anastasia here and right now I'm in the fairy's territory since it's the only place in this woods that I know I can rely on.

"Hey gramps, where're the others?" , I asked softly.

"Others meaning...?" , he said while still disinfecting it.

"You know , Layla and Gabe. They always greet me when I visit your place." , I said while smiling.

He smiled lightly as he replied back , "They are off on a quest, young one."

"Quest? An adventure you say?! --Gah! That hurts you know!" , I said pouting.

"Calm yourself child and stop being so excited!" , he scolded me.

"Stop calling me child! OUCH!"

"Are you raising your voice on me , Anastasia?"

"No , gramps..." , I said softly but nervously.

"Good." , he started , "They're on a quest to find the Red and Blue orbs of life. Now what are those Orbs? Those Orbs are the things that keeps as alive you see. We must have it in our territory though for the current territory that was assigned to look after it was invaded but a dark source."

My eyes furrowed , "Dark source...?"


I had thought first as I look down at my feet.

"Luckily , that territory had a nice hiding place." , gramps continued.

"Huh..." , I started as I watch gramps throw away all of the bloody cotton buds in the firepit near him and started looking for something to close up the long gash on my right arm.

Looking away from him, I look up at the clear blue sky and thought about Pitch.

Pitch...I wonder where and what you're doing right now...

"Alright , c'mere young one." , gramps voice snapped me out of my thoughts making me scoot closer to him and look back at him---


I screamed while pointing my left index finger at him.

He just raised a brow at me and said, "To stitch your gash close, idiot." , as he began flying closer to me whild I just flew away from him hesitantly.

"But t-that's a needle! A long needle at that!" , I whimpered as I began flying around the room while he chases me, holding a needle and a thread.

He just rolled his eyes at me saying impatiently, "Nonsense, child! This needle is as long as my pinky finger!"

"But still no!" , I cries out as I continued avoiding him and that blasted needle!

"Come here you insolent brat or else your wound might just get infected if not stitched closed." , he scolded me once again as I just shook my head 'no'.

"Sir Wysteria."

I stopped flying around and looked towards the source of the voice and grinned widely.

The Light of My World (Sequel to Innocent Smile of Mine)Where stories live. Discover now