Chapter 7

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Anastasia's POV

"I should've saved some of those cookies from yesterday for snacks."

I grumbled as my stomach growled again while I was walking through the woods towards Pitch's lair.

"Gah! Shut up tummy! Why you gotta be such a glutton?!" , I shouted down to my stomach as I just sighed and stopped walking then looked around , seeing trees, grasses and little animals everywhere.

Am I even going near of Pitch's lair?

I thought curiously as I flew up and looked around then just sighed , "I still have a long way to go..."

I was about to land on my feet until I saw a tinge of red near a tree.

"An apple!"

Gasping happily , I flew towards it and grabbed it then smelled it.

"It seems okay." , I said to myself as I took a bite and tastes it's sweetness right away.

Thank God for Mother Nature.

I continued flying through the woods making my way towards Pitch's lair if only---

"It's you...!"

I look towards my left while taking a bite of my apple only to choke and stop abruptly from flying.

Pitch?! What's he doing here?!

"I could say the same thing to you , you guardian!"

He stood up quickly , on guard making me soften my eyes and throw the thin apple behind me .

Oh right... He doesn't remember me...

Then I just noticed , "Wait! How did you know what I was thinking?!"

Wait. This situation seems all too familiar.

"Why should I tell you such info , guardian?...and why am I getting a wave of deja vu..." , he said coldly as he still stood on his grounds , beneath the shadows of the trees.

I flinched a little as my eyes flickered from being emerald once again then back to my electric blue ones.

Ouch.. Well that stings.

I clutched my forehead as I land on my feet gently.

"Oh something can sting you more if you don't guard up , little guardian."

I looked up at him irritated.

"Stop calling me 'little' and 'guardian' ,  Black!"

I growled as I see him flinch a little as if remembering something then he smirked.

"...kinda reminds me of something..."

I arched a brow , "What?"

He looks down at me menacingly again , "It's nothing!"

"Tch! You're annoying , jeez." , I grumbled as I glance up at him again.

Pitch... What am I doing fighting with him..? Didn't I come to save him...?

"What are you looking and thinking about , you wretch?" , he said coldly as I just pouted and he just raised a brow.

"Just thinking how you are just hiding there in the shadows like a little pup!" , I said and stuck my tongue out.

"What are you, a kid..?" , he scoffed as he just sat down on the grass and leaned against a tree and closed his eyes.

"If you've got no business with me then leave." , he said coldly.

The Light of My World (Sequel to Innocent Smile of Mine)Where stories live. Discover now